ºsega Dreamcast For Sale :)


Mar 29, 2005
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I am selling the following dreamcast bundle!

A Sega Dreamcast Video Game Console
3* Controllers, 1 normal, 1 neon blue, and 1 bulky memorex (i think that the name) one.
3* Memory Cards, 1 is a plain one, and the other 2 are Vmu's
R/f Adaptor
Power supply

Everything you need to start your burned dreamcast collection! :)

If you would like to purchase this than post here or pm me your offer. If you need help/links to homebrew then just ask me via email, dont ask me thru here thou since its like bad :P

You can pay me in a money order, or cheque. Once it clears i send the package. I dont got a credit card so i cant accept paypal yet :( in a year ill have one though muhahaha :)

By the way, dreamcasts dont require a mod chip if u want to play burned games on it heh.
*I will ship to anywhere the only thing is that you pay the shipping.

I will post pics if a buyer is interested.
does it have region protection? Will it work with US games? Does it come with any games? I don't know much about the dreamcast, but i'd be interested in getting one.
Jaw posted on Sep 10 2005 at 03:17 PM said:
any dreamcast can play bootlegs and imports without modification :)

I dont think they all can
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Yes this thing plays all imports, u can even run PAL games on it as long as u get the region converter :P

The reason it comes with no games is because all my games r burned and i gave em away to friends heh.

Make an offer and ill take it if its good. Brand new these things are 80$ but im only looking for around half that heh.

oh and if u want to know where to get the fullspeed (with sound, but the sound is a lil bugged on most games) sega genesis emulator just email me Drakinferno@hotmail.com :P
Are the power cables and AV cables the same as in the US? (forgot to ask earlier)

EDIT: What emulators are available for it that run at about fullspeed with sound? To use the emulators do you just burn them along with roms onto a cd and put that in the DC?
deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 10 2005 at 03:45 PM said:
Are the power cables and AV cables the same as in the US? (forgot to ask earlier)

EDIT: What emulators are available for it that run at about fullspeed with sound? To use the emulators do you just burn them along with roms onto a cd and put that in the DC?

i dont know wut u mean by av cables it doesnst have any :) It has a R/f adaptor which hooks up through a cable line.

emulators can be seen at http://www.dcemu.co.uk and http://www.dcemulation.com.

Theres quite a few, the snes one also is like 80% (faster than gp32 u can get ALOT of games running at full speed with sound like dkc, mario world.. etc)

oh and the sega genesis emulator thats fullspeed is illegal. :P but i can get it for ya.
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Drak posted on Sep 10 2005 at 10:06 PM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 10 2005 at 03:45 PM said:
Are the power cables and AV cables the same as in the US? (forgot to ask earlier)

EDIT: What emulators are available for it that run at about fullspeed with sound? To use the emulators do you just burn them along with roms onto a cd and put that in the DC?

i dont know wut u mean by av cables it doesnst have any :) It has a R/f adaptor which hooks up through a cable line.

emulators can be seen at http://www.dcemu.co.uk and http://www.dcemulation.com.

Theres quite a few, the snes one also is like 80% (faster than gp32 u can get ALOT of games running at full speed with sound like dkc, mario world.. etc)

oh and the sega genesis emulator thats fullspeed is illegal. :P but i can get it for ya.

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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Sep 10 2005 at 08:28 PM said:
Drak posted on Sep 10 2005 at 10:06 PM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 10 2005 at 03:45 PM said:
Are the power cables and AV cables the same as in the US? (forgot to ask earlier)

EDIT: What emulators are available for it that run at about fullspeed with sound? To use the emulators do you just burn them along with roms onto a cd and put that in the DC?

i dont know wut u mean by av cables it doesnst have any :) It has a R/f adaptor which hooks up through a cable line.

emulators can be seen at http://www.dcemu.co.uk and http://www.dcemulation.com.

Theres quite a few, the snes one also is like 80% (faster than gp32 u can get ALOT of games running at full speed with sound like dkc, mario world.. etc)

oh and the sega genesis emulator thats fullspeed is illegal. :P but i can get it for ya.


hehe :P it also has a VCD player somewhers :P
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Drak posted on Sep 11 2005 at 02:06 AM said:
i dont know wut u mean by av cables it doesnst have any :) It has a R/f adaptor which hooks up through a cable line.
damn. Without av cables it won't work on my tv. I think ill pass on this deal and watch ebay.
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deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 11 2005 at 09:11 AM said:
Drak posted on Sep 11 2005 at 02:06 AM said:
i dont know wut u mean by av cables it doesnst have any :) It has a R/f adaptor which hooks up through a cable line.
damn. Without av cables it won't work on my tv. I think ill pass on this deal and watch ebay.
no deadlychicken! av cables arent needed to hook up to a television!

Ok, you know where the cable line attaches to the TV? you plug the r/f adapter into there, and in turn, the cable line goes into the r/f adapter....its really very simple. (lets just put it this way; when you have 9 systems hooked up to one TV, you learn to figure this stuff out on a large scale basis...lol its like a maze :D )

no one on ebay is selling their system w/ av cables. i say go for draks system :)
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Sep 11 2005 at 10:46 AM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 11 2005 at 09:11 AM said:
Drak posted on Sep 11 2005 at 02:06 AM said:
i dont know wut u mean by av cables it doesnst have any :) It has a R/f adaptor which hooks up through a cable line.
damn. Without av cables it won't work on my tv. I think ill pass on this deal and watch ebay.
no deadlychicken! av cables arent needed to hook up to a television!

Ok, you know where the cable line attaches to the TV? you plug the r/f adapter into there, and in turn, the cable line goes into the r/f adapter....its really very simple. (lets just put it this way; when you have 9 systems hooked up to one TV, you learn to figure this stuff out on a large scale basis...lol its like a maze :D )

no one on ebay is selling their system w/ av cables. i say go for draks system :)
computer glitched and double posted...please delete
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i'll check my tv but I remember looking all over it and only finding a place for av cables. I know that a standard tv would have a place for rf but this is a cheap small tv/vcr combo.....

How much would shipping be to the US?
Can you send it with COD or whatever its called? (the one you offered for your gp32)
deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 11 2005 at 10:01 AM said:
i'll check my tv but I remember looking all over it and only finding a place for av cables. I know that a standard tv would have a place for rf but this is a cheap small tv/vcr combo.....

How much would shipping be to the US?
Can you send it with POD or whatever its called? (the one you offered for your gp32)

Ya i checked up of the COD and the US doesnt have that kind of shipping. In fact.. they dont have any kind of shipping thats really safe at all. The way only way you can buy this from me is if you send the money to me via mail in a check or a money order. Once i get it then i send the dream cast. (if u lived in can we could use COD.. but dmn us doesnt have it -.-)

Shipping is only like 7$ USD or so.

And every tv has a R/f heh its the line where the cable goes to :)
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deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 11 2005 at 06:01 PM said:
i'll check my tv but I remember looking all over it and only finding a place for av cables. I know that a standard tv would have a place for rf but this is a cheap small tv/vcr combo.....

How much would shipping be to the US?
Can you send it with POD or whatever its called? (the one you offered for your gp32)

it will have one... How would your TV pic up channels if it didnt have one ;) ;) ;)
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Steve-O posted on Sep 11 2005 at 09:48 PM said:
it will have one... How would your TV pic up channels if it didnt have one ;) ;) ;)
I don't use it for watching television, just for games. For television I think it has a built in receiver but i'm not sure, I think it was made to be a "portable" movie player...... But i'm sure it has one somewhere.....

Ya i checked up of the COD and the US doesnt have that kind of shipping.
Are you sure? I called my post office when you were selling the gp32 and asked them how much COD would cost and they told me it would cost about $5..... Maybe it just isn't international..... I really don't like the idea of mailing the money.

Shipping is only like 7$ USD or so.

And every tv has a R/f heh its the line where the cable goes to smile.gif

EDIT: ok, it has r/f. It had some cover over it that blended into the back of the television making it nearly invisible in the dimly lit room (no need for lights when playing games :P ). Sorry for being stupid.
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Hm. thats wierd cuz when i tried to mail the gp32 COD to Lemurx the post office said the US didnt have COD..

Well i would like to get the money first.. but i might be able to send it first if my parents let me.. Since it isnt as much money as my gp32 sold for.

Pm me we can talk i guess.