Original Gp2x Homebrew On Wiz?


Dec 12, 2008
Nunya, Bizness
i currently do not have a website.com
Hi. Is it possible to run games made for the original gp2x (like http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,30,1470) on the wiz without the need to port them? If not, is anyone willing to port requested games or teach me how to do it? I'm on a mac, though, so I don't know if I can port. I also have absolutely no programming experience at all :p
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I was wondering the same thing... I was planning on getting the GP2X F200... For about 5 minutes, till I saw the size of it. :p Way to big for me. It would be great if the games for the previous models were available to play on the Wiz.
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You can't run most stuff directly, though a lot of applications won't exactly require 'porting', just recompiling.
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I'm thinking that maybe some of the developers could take the games that are directly made for the F200 and re-compile them for the Wiz? That would be awesome!
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I'd love to know how recompiling a gp2x game will make it work on the Wiz. You'll be recompiling a Linux ARM ELF image into a Linux ARM ELF image. If you use the same compiler, you'll get the same output. If you use a different one, maybe the output will differ slightly, although it certainly will not work on the Wiz straight off.

A more accurate answer would be along the lines of "If an app uses pure libraries and no hardware assumptions or hardware access whatsoever, then it'll work if those same libraries are available on the Wiz.". You wouldn't even have to recompile (although doing so may give a small speed increase if you use an appropriate compiler).

Most emus and games however hack the hardware directly, or use static libraries which do. If those libraries were ported, the apps could be almost recompiled (most will require probably require some changes).
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'Squidge' said:
I'd love to know how recompiling a gp2x game will make it work on the Wiz.
You know perfectly well it was statically linked hardware SDL that was being referred to :p.
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What I want to know is if it would be possible to (I don't know the right term :p) get the older games from the previous PMPs to work on the Wiz, and if yes, then how easy that would be to do.
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'Orkie' said:
'Squidge' said:
I'd love to know how recompiling a gp2x game will make it work on the Wiz.
You know perfectly well it was statically linked hardware SDL that was being referred to :p.

I wonder how many games actually use SDL purely with nothing GP2X specific at all. Every time I went back determined to use SDL for input on GP2X I'd find that it just wasn't workable for the dpad. I don't remember exactly what the deal is (maybe it doesn't handle button release events) but I know it's not something that can be worked around.
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