Native Web Browser?


Apr 7, 2005
sorry in advance if i am annoying or tend to ramble but i think this needs to be adressed now that we have usb host function (for wifi etc) and internet over the USB connection. i think the gp2x needs a nativly run browser! i mean opera in qtopia is wonderful to use and everything but having to load qtopia every time when you just want to browse the web is annoying. and dont tell me "use links instead blablabla" because ive tried it, it sucks in comparison. what we need is something like opera in appearance and functionality, with an onscreen keyboard there if you need it and a simple UI like operas. i have absolutly no ablilty to code or anything but please somebody look into this! thanks for your time anyone who reads this and agrees or does something about it! :D
triton posted on May 30 2006 at 11:28 PM said:
sorry in advance if i am annoying or tend to ramble but i think this needs to be adressed now that we have usb host function (for wifi etc) and internet over the USB connection. i think the gp2x needs a nativly run browser! i mean opera in qtopia is wonderful to use and everything but having to load qtopia every time when you just want to browse the web is annoying. and dont tell me "use links instead blablabla" because ive tried it, it sucks in comparison. what we need is something like opera in appearance and functionality, with an onscreen keyboard there if you need it and a simple UI like operas. i have absolutly no ablilty to code or anything but please somebody look into this! thanks for your time anyone who reads this and agrees or does something about it! :D

Then why the FUCK did you post this in the Developer's Corner?
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woah chill dude, sorry. and if you're wondering what my reasoning is for posting it in the dev section is usually its the devs that can DO something. christ, made sence to me.
triton posted on May 31 2006 at 12:11 AM said:
woah chill dude, sorry. and if you're wondering what my reasoning is for posting it in the dev section is usually its the devs that can DO something. christ, made sence to me.

this should have been posted in the cool ideas section if you are not a developer yourself. this forum is more for developers to start or announce or discuss projects not for people to request that the devs make something when you have no developing ablility yourself.
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qtopia is native, opera in it is native, links is native.
Be happy with what youve god, maybe one day there will eb more, maybe not.
Honestly i dont see why anyone would need any other browse,r or any browser at all, on the gp2x.

CLosed :-)
hmm... not closed? I also think it is not necessary to browse the web online with the gp2x but whatabout offline browsing? We were talking about a decent implementation of wiki-pedia and this would make it possible. There is a bunch of other webpages that can be saved for offline use that would make sense to read on the go. Cookbooks, programming guides, short stories etc... I think it would be neat. Switching on qtopia isn't such a hassle all the time but I can understand why is asking for a "natively" running browser.
im just saying, its nice that we have anyhting but when it doesnt work or works poorly there is room for inprovement. an i understand aobut the dev forum, wont happen again