Opensenes9x V0.3 ?

I think maybe its just getting to the point where people are scared that no one's actually working on these things. there seems to be like 2 or 3 really talented coders who made the emulatorrs we use most today and thers hardly any contact from them to the point where we almost dont even know if they still HAVE a GP32.

people are all just hoping not to be abandoned.
yeah, bout a month ago someone tried to sell me their gp32 cos they only origional bought it for the snes emulation. and i said that now opensnes is being worked on they should probs keep hold of it for a while. and they said that they thought it was a dead project cos yoyo hadnt released anything for over a month! a month! after maybe 18 months + with no word then id b pretty sure that its dead. but a month... B).

Im confident that he will release it wen he feels its better enough to show peeps B).
"current v0.3beta has the following changes :

+ cosmetic changes (music, credits screen, ...)
+ saving of clockspeed & last rom played.
+ auto launch after 2s on clockspeed select screen.
+ basic transparency support in 16bits (zelda & chrono seems fine) -> slow!
basically it's here to help in games which can become unplayable in some areas
without transparency (chrono trigger, ...)
+ palette brightness in 8bpp mode (disactivated by default since some games
become unplayable with it)
+ better 16bpp mode (no more flickering issue)
+ less sound crackling by disactivating fast video mode.
+ bug fixes : r-type 3, snes hi-res & 8bpp mode (secret of mana, seiken densetsu 3, ...)

Regarding the pb in seiken 3, you can have correct text displayed by using 16bpp mode.

No public release at the moment."

I found this here on the GPZigi boards by lucky browsing (I have no idea how to read korean). Its probably been posted somewhere obviously but I just havent seen it lol
current v0.3beta has the following changes:

+ cosmetic changes (music and credits screen...)
+ saving of clockspeed & last rom played.
+ auto launch after 2s on clockspeed select screen.
+ basic transparency support in 16bits (zelda & chrono seems fine) -> slow!
basically it's here to help in games which can become unplayable in some areas
without transparency (chrono trigger...)
+ palette brightness in 8bpp mode (disactivated by default since some games
become unplayable with IT)
+ better 16bpp mode (no more flickering issue)
+ less sound crackling by disactivating fast video mode.
+ bug fixes: r-type 3, snes hi-res & 8bpp mode (secret of mana and seiken densetsu 3...)

Regarding the pb in seiken 3, you can have correct text displayed by using 16bpp mode.

No public release at the moment.

The interpretation knows and the field do.. To strengthen a sound.. With the fact that it removes a multi branch bug and a graphic bug in small quantity it appears to be providing the function which is more convenient. But the contents regarding a speed is not referred Anh army bedspread.. what sees continuously version Ub is so far prepared is thanks in the thing.. 0.2 end person wild Manh Ass whom it authorizes the place...

< The source:>

ooh, i like the source:
i wonder if that site is in korean too :D

Seems like this person posted news from this site, when OSNES9x .3 future features was released on the news page. nothing really new
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Thats the problem, most of these emu coders dont have their own site or dont update the site they do have (probably dont have time for it, im a coder myself and know the truth to that) But what I do, do, is go into the forums and let everyone know im still alive and kickin, still working on it, and if it has any major additions I mention that as well.

To a coder, one month is like a day, it can take one month to get a single feature fixed or finished, to those waiting it feels like eternity, again coming from someone who plays on both sides of the fence. I cant tell you the number of times I have gotten emails and forum posts about people thinking my projects were canceled because I havent posted in the forums for a week, or my server has problems for a few hours so my site goes down. To me, I code and code and code and notice that a month or two just flew by and it seems like a couple days to me, its that "zone" you get into. Not to mention some of them have families, jobs, recreational activities, etc...

Good coders dont make a release after each new feature or fix, they wait until they have accumulated enough to make the new version worth it.

However, It would be nice to have an occasional "Hey im still working on it" post in here though, just to ease the minds of those who wait.

I think everyones fear is that these talented emu coders will jump ship to something with higher specs (i.e. zodiac) and leave the GP32 users behind. Or that they will just give up (i.e. Snes9xGP)
Actually I'mnot worried too much about the lack of communication from some of the "big names" Because I know they have their own lives and can't wait on us hand and foot or bend to our every beck and call. They do these things for themselves and others and if they get bored they move on.

My only real concern is that they make the source availible to others so that some day someone might pick it up and try to improve it even after the original creator has moved on to other things. If the GPengine guys really gave up on continueing work on it, tell us so and offer up the sourcecode, maybe it'll even inspire people with the inborn ability to code to acctually hone that ability and keep the community alive.