I am having trouble with my transformation Matrix operations. I basically want to just display a cube in a display with a translation and projection matrix applied to it. I think I have something wrong with my Matrix operations code so I would like it if someone could post output matrices at each step so I can verify which areas in my code are affected.
1) Load Identity Matrix in Model view and Projection matrix
2)Create Projection matrix with 60deg field of view, aspect=640/480, nearz=1, farz=20
3) Translate Model view to (0,0,-2)
4)Apply Projection matrix to Model view matrix
And if anyone want to go the extra mile it would be great to have a picture posted of what the cube should look like projected in this kind of window.
Thanks in advance for your help
1) Load Identity Matrix in Model view and Projection matrix
2)Create Projection matrix with 60deg field of view, aspect=640/480, nearz=1, farz=20
3) Translate Model view to (0,0,-2)
4)Apply Projection matrix to Model view matrix
And if anyone want to go the extra mile it would be great to have a picture posted of what the cube should look like projected in this kind of window.
Thanks in advance for your help