sorry for the noobish question, but I dont own a gp2x (if that is an excuse

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Do you compile the programs on your pc and then transfer them to the gp2x, or is it possible to compile on the gp2x itself?
No. The programs are compiled on my GNU/Linux box. Theoretically it is possible to compile the gcc, make and friends as packages for the gp2x and install them on it. However you do not want to do that because:
a) the box is dog slow at compiling
B) the access to the files are way slower than on your PC
c) frequent writes on your flash memory (NAND + SD card) will wreck it earlier
And how complicated is it, can you just type "configure" then "make", "make install" and done?
If you follow the instructions in the wiki you can compile apps by doing: "bitbake jikes". This will not only compile jikes but all programs and libraries which are needed for it. Eg. a crosscompiler if it has not been built already and the standard c++ library which has to be installed on the gp2x.
When it succeeds you will have nice little .ipk files which are equivalent to .debs and .rpms.
Installing these packages on the gp2x is done by doing: ipkg install jikes_1.21_arm.ipk . Normally ipkg needs internet connection and would resolve dependencies on its own but in the current state we do not have networking on the gp2x. So you have to install the files by hand.
Btw: I was asked what programs I built. Now that I regularly login to my gp2x I was missing a few of the usual gnu/linux apps I know from my desktop box.
Here is what ipkg list tell me:
classpath - 0.19-r1 -
classpath-common - 0.19-r1 -
ipkg - 0.99.154-r2 -
jamvm - 1.4.1-r0 -
jikes - 1.21-r1 -
ldd - 2.2.5-r5 -
less - 382-r0 -
libc6 - 2.2.5-r5 -
libgcc1 - 3.4.4-r3 -
libipkg0 - 0.99.154-r2 -
libstdc++6 - 3.4.4-r3 -
libz1 - 1.2.3-r0 -
nano - 1.3.9-r0 -
ncurses - 5.4-r8 -
ncurses-terminfo - 5.4-r8 -
procps - 3.2.5-r4 -
sed - 4.1.2-r1 -
(/usr/lib and /usr/share are actually on the sd card. Otherwise the 24MB of flash would have been exhausted already.)
procps gives me top, which is very nice.

nano does not work very good atm. It seems like the terminal emulation is messed up. Hopefully someone can find a solution for this. (I found a way to get a real serial login with getty. I will write english instructions soon. If you can read german look here: