Open-Source Software Becomes a Standard In Dortmund, Germany


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010

Our old related threads:
Yeah. But this time, the waters are muddy. They first said: Opensource to prevent lock-in. And now "they" scream: Open standards to keep the data not locked-in, but propriety software is ok (and the world is swayed that way).
DOCX now is the "new open standard", which is slightly incompatible with ODF
The new MS is now small components, but making an open chain actually means pains.
You can have Jira or Azure, Azure is cheaper if you buy the whole package (and has less functionality, barely enough, for project management). But you get a "deal", and not so if you buy loose components.
In Germany, Suse is the de-facto (as it originates there).

But please note that MS needs these markets because IIS is dying (even Apache) and their browser is not growing

My experience with cloud-drive usage: I like to save often, but I hate you can not type while it is saving to the (slow) cloud.