Open Source Graphics Processor

This card might not be something you would want to use in your gaming computer.. but having a foss friendly piece of hardware would be important for the public good.

With enough time, money and people... they could start to build a serious contender in a few revisions.
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This card might not be something you would want to use in your gaming computer.. but having a foss friendly piece of hardware would be important for the public good.

With enough time, money and people... they could start to build a serious contender in a few revisions.
this isnt the first time...remember ODG1 and sun sparc?
With enough time, money and people... they could start to build a serious contender in a few revisions.
Sorry, but something you put on an FPGA will never, ever be a serious contender against a contemporary ASIC. It's just way too inefficient in comparison.

What they have here is like a 1997 GPU at best.. which I guess should be little surprise because these guys were with a company that last did a GPU around 1997. That's so far behind, there's no way they'd catch up in just a few revisions even if the FPGA made it possible.

I'd be kind of surprised if they reach their goal. And even then, 2D acceleration only is even less interesting.. I'd be really surprised if they hit any of their stretch goals.
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It's a sound idea, however that kickstarter trailer video is awful.

Kickstarter is more end-userish. You have to show something that's more impressive than a bunch of ugly screen savers that looks like they belong to a 2000ish advanture game.

Also, the rewards all suck, and the dude making this video is not John Carmack.

Asking for 20,000 with no deliverable and no immediate benefit is ridiculous.

I like the idea of an open source graphics processor, but the time has no come yet.

Until professionals can make gpus at home with 3d printers, open sourceness won't really bring anything new to the hardware market.
I agree the rewards are basically worthless for the average user. Even if you are running Linux on your desktop and support free software. A USB key with source code or a thank you on a web site? I would at least want a fully functional graphics card. 

So unfortunately I don't think they will succeed. Even though I like to see something like this happening in the future.  
apparently is can fit on a zedboard or microzed...they should partner up...

Francis Bruno says:

The 2D part will fit in a 7010 w/o the IBM compatible VGA (You don't really need it except for in a PC). The 3D part may fit in a 7020, definitely in a 7030.

We will provide project files for the development boards at a future date.
I would be glad if they can release even a shitty FOSS 2D GPU with its FOSS drivers… But I doubt that funding will be successful on kickstarter.

I already donated a few bucks to openCores, they've been designing an open-source ARM SoC for years (they have something useable on FPGA boards from what I heard).

Pairing it with a working and open source 2D GPU would be awesome, even with obsolete perfs (the openCore SoC is also far behind current SoC anyway :P ).

That would be great to use for people trying to make computers from scratch (skeezix and his Zikzak, arduino-based boards, …).