Audacity Privacy Notice.
Wait, isn't this directly violating the GPL? Because it looks like it certainly violates DFSG point 5.
Not sure, but I'd say no, it's still GPL compliant.
They only say their App is not intended for people under 13. They don't say they actively prevent people under 13 to download it.
Even if they somehow did prevent people under 13 to download it, it would still be GPL compliant. The GPL says everyone who lawfully gets a copy can pass it around. It doesn't say that everyone is under obligation to pass it around. It doesn't say people distributing GPL works must pass it to everyone.
A violation would be if they told you that when you get the GPL program from them, then you cannot pass it to people under 13. Then they'd be violationg your freedom to distribute. But they don't say that.
In fact you could do some program which includes pedophilia and then you wouldn't be allowed to distribute it, or even have it. It would not be because of the GPL, but because of law.
If you made some kind of content that the law doesn't allow for minors, then the GPL would allow you to distribute it, but the law would not allow you to distribute it to minors. The GPL would force you to allow your recipients to distribute it to all, but your permission to distribute would not make it legal for them to redistribute, because recipients must comply both with the license (GPL) and the law, and their only way is not to distribute it to minors.
Still if there's something legally forcing them to add that clause (likely personal data protection for minors) then it's a bad idea to distribute it at all, under GPL or any other license. The good idea would be to change the program so that it doesn't introduce problems with personal data (from anyone, minors just can't waive problems away themselves), and then distribute that good program under GPL.