Once Again, Flu Or Not?


The Dutchmaster
Mar 14, 2004
Manhattan, NY
I hate to beat a dead horse, but should I go with FLU? 60 beans is a lot of cash for me to fork over; is it really worth it? I've read about the dust particles and trapezoid effects, but I don't know how bad they are/can get or if its likely to get. Also, I've heard the screen compared to the neo-geo pocket (kicked major ass), which I found to be fine. If you have any suggestions, please post. Thanx.
it all depends on when and where you play and how you play games like i play in my room at night in the dark so i got the flu while my friend got the normal one because he plays his during th day. i would recomend getting the flu because then no matter where you are you can play the only disatvantage is that you don't get as many hours because the light takes some up but i still do fine.
Ive had my non front lit gp32 for about a month, and i wish i had a front lit one at times. But i know i saved a lot of cash, so sometimes it dont bother me, i will probley get a front lit on eventually though.
Searching first is always a good idea :D

But since I'm here, GET A FLU. If you don't, you'll always regret it. You can't put a price on the convenience of being able to play your GP32 anytime, anywhere in comfort.
I just bought a non flu and am making my own light ( its kinda hard tho the thing hasnt arrived yet)... I am going to also try and make a FLU like object that gets powered from the ext port when i get mine, owell, we'll see what happens

FLU -- no doubt. You can play at night, inside and in every kind of light environment... B)
FLU! I, too, was worried about the trapezoid effect, but when I got it, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, in fact, I only notice it when I'm looking for it. When you play games your mind won't pick it up, the dust isn't even that bad on my unit. I just wipe it off with my shirt and it still looks great. With the FLU you can also play in the dark. Definetly get it.
geo12 posted on Mar 17 2004 at 12:13 AM said:
FLU, but make sure that you get it off of GBAx so if you get a faulty one then you can return it ;)
You can return it to any online store you purchase it from.

As for FLU or no FLU, I have a FLU and I turn the light off when installing zpk's or doing anything that I have it linked up to the PC for (why waste battery life), and I cant see the damn screen! There is plenty of lighting in this room too. Maybe you can "make do" but to me I would never buy one without FLU.

You WILL KICK YOURSELF if you buy a non FLU.
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Yeah this is getting pretty annoying, just think about it, you want to have some hassle of trying to play a game while trying to get a good light source, or you want to spend the xtra sum money and not deal with the hassle. its your choice, most will say FLU just think about it for a moment, these damn questions are always asked. Look around

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers".
i have an flu, and when in direct sunlight, i turn off the light, because i can see just as well without it on, and it saves tons of battery life. Also obviously leave it off while listening to mp3's.