Coder_TimT said:
I'm a bit partial, but I personally like using the touch controls.

So what about them really turns you off? Anything that can be worked on possibly?
It's not that it turns me off, it's just not that useful to me (yet). I just prefer being able to underclock more to save battery life, not to mention I also like turning off the screen (which is a plus for your player

I do find that being able to quickly select a song in a playlist using touchscreen very nice. Although, I find that the touchscreen overlay is nothing more than alternative buttons (albeit less responsive). It also can't access some parts of the player (i.e. switching playlist & browser views, and turning the screen off). Probably being able to quickly seek in a song would also be nice. (I find forwarding & rewinding to be kind of slow.)
I have other complains, but they are on the touchscreen itself, which also affects other touchscreen programs. Nothing really can be done with this limitation.
With or without touchscreen controls, it's still a nice player. Thanks for this.
Thanks. And good comments. The next release will have independent clock speeds for when the screen is off and when it is on. So you can have a high enough clock to use the ts, but turn off the screen and still get good battery life...
As for the original poster, I read the comments at the archive. I created a small playlist and couldn't recreate. Can you give me specifics of your setup to help me out. Size of playlist/length of time listening before unsuccessful unlock, clock speed...I can't really think of anything else...but whatever might be useful to recreate the situation...
Well it doesn't have to complete the playlist I found out. It is very intermitend, as in it doesn't happen with reliability. Some times I can get the screen to come back and other times It wont. But it always comes back if it is within say a minute of turning screen off. But after that it is a roll of the dice. I am using an f-100 with the program installed to the root of the drive and my albums folder is called albumart and playlist folder is called playlist. Is there anything else that would help? I will test it out on my f-200 and let you know if it does the same thing, as well as try out those touchscreen controls. I mostly have been using it on my f-100 though since it is my take with me gp2x. gonna try the f-200 now.
Ok, I got the f-200 to do it too. Here is exactly what I did. I start up to the default gp2x screen. Navigate to ommpc2x and launch it. It starts playing the first song in the playlist last loaded. I then go to my file list and selected a song with B listened to it, no problems. selected another song let it finish then continue on with the playlist for 2 songs and the screen wont come back. On the third song now and still the same. my files are 44kbps 256k mp3's with a few 128bit mixed in if that might matter. Also I just noticed that pressing select while this is happening switches to the end of a random song. But only once. After that the buttons do nothing as normal when screen is off, and the playlist continues playing.
Update: I loaded the program but this time instead of playing a song from my file list I just let the playlist play and after 6 songs the screen still comes back everytime. So it must have to do with playing a song from the file list by pressing B while a playlist is playing. I hope it helps, it's a great lil program especialy once you get used to using it. I like the touchscreen controls too. I really don't see what you could add to touchscreen to make it better. I mean after all it is a media player. I would love even a minimal EQ and a full screen bar display though. Ya I am a geek, but isn't that why we are all here, lol. Keep up the great work