Drak posted on May 7 2006 at 02:05 AM said:Im just wondering why no one is complaining that the gp2x cant do what gph said it could.
On their website somewhere gph said you could put stuff on it with higher resolution and the gp2x could play it back without the need to re-encode. I thought 'wow' this is amazing! This is another great reason to get a gp2x!!!
Well my 640X480 vids just freeze after a good 3minutes or so. My 320X240 work fine [mind you these ones are re-encoded.]
They are all xvid. Some are divx but you get the point. I just hope with future firmware updates the 'plop and play' method comes in handy. it takes 25minutes for me to convert to 320X240 since I use first/second pass. [virtual dub]
Tv-out function is pretty neat though. This is a nice feature.
I encoded a couple of movies and simpsons/futurama episodes straight from dvd - I used 512x384 XviD MPEG4 compression and they worked perfectly on the gp2x.
I used DVD-Decrypter_3.5.4.0 to rip the video from dvd and then wacked them through PocketDivX Encoder to XviD them for gp2x... Quick and easy, and the quality is fantastic...
Not sure why you are having problems...
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