Ogg Sound Files?


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Nov 22, 2004
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I have programmed my first Fenix game and it’s working, but I have one problem.
I have included an ogg file, but it only works on my PC and not on my GP32.
I have use this code:


What have I made wrong?
Fenix for GP32 don't support OGG (nor MP3 nor Midi).
I think only support .wav, .MOD, .iT, .st3


As .WAV is too large (a lot of Mg) for a music game your best bet will be .MOD (low KB/good sound).
Take a look Here for some great MODs/ ITs
How many channels has the .mod you are trying to play ?. Have you tried using a .mod file with only 4 music channels ?. I could be completely off here, But the player could limited to playing .mods with oly 4 channels. It`s worth a try anyway.

Sed posted on Feb 5 2005 at 01:00 PM said:
I have tested my game with a mod file at but I have the same problem as befor. :(

Put your code for load/play the mod.
I think the error must be there.

Edit: Try this:

play_song(musica_game,-1); // -1 for infinite loop.
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I am an Idiot :unsure:

The problem that I have had was, that the Ram was full.
Now I have poorer grafics, and everything runs.
Ram full? WOW
Try to administrate your RAM by using 8Bits GFX, and be sure to using LOAD/UNLOAD (FPGs/WAVs/MODs) comand to free your RAM of non used stuff.
Say you are using a FPG with only four 320x240 images and a song for the presentation/intro of your game.
Make sure that in your code you release this FPG & song from memory (unload comand) as your intro ends because you don't needed during gameplay.
If you die, unload gameplay stuff (FPGs for chars etc.. & music game) and reload intro stuff again.

PD: What type of game is?
On a sidenote:

Hokutoy posted on Feb 5 2005 at 11:35 AM said:
Fenix for GP32 don't support OGG (nor MP3 nor Midi).
I think only support .wav, .MOD, .iT, .st3


As .WAV is too large (a lot of Mg) for a music game your best bet will be .MOD (low KB/good sound).
Take a look Here for some great MODs/ ITs

Where did you find that? :)
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Moogle posted on Feb 7 2005 at 04:47 PM said:
On a sidenote:

Hokutoy posted on Feb 5 2005 at 11:35 AM said:
Fenix for GP32 don't support OGG (nor MP3 nor Midi).
I think only support .wav, .MOD, .iT, .st3


As .WAV is too large (a lot of Mg) for a music game your best bet will be .MOD (low KB/good sound).
Take a look Here for some great MODs/ ITs

Where did you find that? :)

I think i read it in some Chui post.
Anyway i 've tryed to load some OGG, MP3 and Midis in GP32 and they don't work for me.
Sure, you can use WAV songs, but if its +2500KB big GP32 have some troubles with it. :(

I've tested some .wavs (sfx sound), mods & ITs and they work fine in GP32.

Have you succesfully play any Ogg, Mp3 or midi in gp32? :)
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@Hokutoy It was the game, you can see now at the Newszone.

I had made the levels in
1000*1000 pixel large pictures(there are 5 levels)
and I had used the code

(level is a global variable)

and so I was unable to put these files in diverent fpgs.

Another question:
can I lode two fpgs at the same time?

If yes, who can I make sure, what fpg the function


choses, ore are the grafics then all in one new fpg?
Sed posted on Feb 8 2005 at 07:12 PM said:
@Hokutoy It was the game, you can see now at the Newszone.

I had made the levels in
1000*1000 pixel large pictures(there are 5 levels)
and I had used the code

(level is a global variable)

and so I was unable to put these files in diverent fpgs.

Another question:
can I lode two fpgs at the same time?

If yes, who can I make sure, what fpg the function


choses, ore are the grafics then all in one new fpg?

Nice game!
And yes, you can load more than one FPG!
Then in you process:

graph=1; //to use first sprite of player.fpg


graph=1; //to use first sprite of enemy.fpg

By the way, you can compress your FPG with FPGEDIT.
By the way... a nice trick:
Say you have your FPG FINISHED and it's about 2500 kb large.
Open FPG Edit and go to upper bar: Utilidades > Compresor para Fenix. Select your FPG and push "Comprimir archivo" button.
This will compress you FPG to something like 90 KB!!!
Warning: In GP32's RAM memory it will still count like 2500 kb but you will save some nice space in your SMC.


PD: If you edit/add something to a compressed FPG and save, it will save it in not-compressed mode. You need to compress it again.
For example, your FPG goes from 1860Kb to 1080 Kb!

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devlkore posted on Feb 18 2005 at 11:17 PM said:
I dunno if you were being sarcastic, but that's the format of the music in my tech demo thingies (SNKvsMrT and Megarun).
¿Sarcastic? no no, I simply tried to complete the information about the modules types supported in Fenix :-)

Un Saludo.
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