Ogg Converter,,which One


Mar 20, 2004
England(north east)
Hey guys,, i know alot of you use OGGs i use yogg myself great program,, anyhow i was wondering the typical filesize you get your songs to ,, i manage about 1.5meg a piece no quality loss that i can hear on the gp but that is as low as my converter goes so i think it must be possible to go lower. what program should i use to convert my mp3s/cds into OGGs.
thank you
winlame is one of the best converters and it has ogg support.i thin its free but cant remember for sure.it goes down to 64k which should be as low as you want to go for music.
Thanx for help i am trying dbconverter,, which is slow compared to most running at only 2.2x but it goes to 46kbps and prett gd qual,, i cant tell difference betwen that and 96k on ogg when using ma gp32 speakers or my lovely sony headphones, and i am a qualilty freak.. thanx again for quik replys.. so dbconverter :P gd but slow
I use 48kbps@32000hz and find the quality quite good, Plus I get nearly 400 minutes of music in .Ogg format on one 128mb SMC, I use dbpoweramp btw. :)

It's not free but i would recommend 'Advanced WMA workshop' as it converts between wma,mp3, and ogg and can convert in batches (+looks slick :D )
I'm using oggenc.exe from vorbis.com and it works perfect :P
Hey person who said 46kpbs/3200 it wont open them in YOGG or gpogg is there another player i dont know about??? i just spent 3hours encoding 2 a format i cant use ,, hahaha
Sorry My fault. ;)
The setting i gave are the ones i use on my Pocketpc (silly me). :rolleyes:
Its actually 48kbps@44100hz and the player is Yogg v0.01 (Yogg-unc.fxe 136mhz)
Thats what i use on my GP32. :)
The file sizes are still very small, Only +/- 30k than 48kbps@32000hz

Sorry for the confusion.

EDIT: Btw. I use dbpoweramp as mentioned in my previous post.

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