Offline C++ Tutorial


Jan 5, 2004
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I think i´ll have a look into programming (even though, i cant code anything right now). So i know that i have to learn C/C++ to code for the GP32. What im lloking for now, is a tutorial for C/C++ so i can start learning. My problem is: im on ISDN and my Internet bill is always very high. So it would be nice, if you could give me an offline tut, so i dont have to be online for hours.

thanks in advance

Hi Horscht.
You can find a site with C tutorials and download it for offline reading with a website mirroring program (like Teleport Pro or WebZip).

Otherwise I suggest you to buy in bookstores the bible of all coders; I started my C learning path from this book; it's called: "The C Programming Language" by W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie. It's quite old (1989 i think), but I'm sure you'll still be able to find it. It's a masterpiece. B)

I'm a Delphi coder under Windows, so I've used pascal-style code for years.. Now that i'm coding for GP32, I keep the book on my desktop and use it as a reference; I've never found a book better than this.

Horscht posted on Apr 15 2004 at 11:34 AM said:

I think i´ll have a look into programming (even though, i cant code anything right now). So i know that i have to learn C/C++ to code for the GP32. What im lloking for now, is a tutorial for C/C++ so i can start learning. My problem is: im on ISDN and my Internet bill is always very high. So it would be nice, if you could give me an offline tut, so i dont have to be online for hours.

thanks in advance

Hum... shouldn't this post be in "Development forums" ?

Bad guys! ;)
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Just goto the site that has the tutorial and click FILE > SAVE PAGE AS it will save the page and all the images/etc... to a folder where you can view it at anytime. Or most browsers have a "View this page offline" option which will do basically the same thing as the FILE > SAVE AS does. Or you can simply highly the entire tutorial and COPY&PASTE it into a document file.
Is it very hard to learn?
seeing as how i dont own my very own GP yet i guess i'll hold off on even considering learning code... but i would luv 2 learn
i think thats part of the appeal of the gamepark is the growing number of coders and games as a whole
<envys any one who knows the ways of the code
umm.. well I need you email address but it doesnt matter anyway.. I just reliesed the eBook I have is aimed for an advanced level. would be your best bet as it comes with source heavily commented.
toasterted posted on Apr 15 2004 at 02:09 PM said:
Is it very hard to learn?
seeing as how i dont own my very own GP yet i guess i'll hold off on even considering learning code... but i would luv 2 learn
i think thats part of the appeal of the gamepark is the growing number of coders and games as a whole
<envys any one who knows the ways of the code
Your best bet is to start learning BEFORE you get your GP32. C/C++ code compiles on nearly any platform, so just make windows/linux/macos/etc... programs/games to learn the language, THEN try it on the GP32. If you do it right you can even "port" the games you made while learning, to the GP32 without much effort.
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