Odd Flashing Of Gp32


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2004
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So here I am again... STILL waiting for my GP32, supposed to get it end of this month and I have been reading loads of stuff about GP32 and I think im pretty much "ready" for it.

But there is still ONE thing buggering my mind, flashing your GP32, what is it use of ?
I mean, is there a reason I SHOULD do it?

The plus sides of it are?
And the minus sides of it are?

Thanks in advance.
If you think if you'll like an other file launcher better than the eu/kr firmware,
then you should flash it.
+ if you flash gpbios you only have to flash it once, and you can boot at startup a file launcher or a program directly! :D
-There is a risk that you have a bad flash, but even then you can repair your gp32.

So if you want to flash do it
Hmm, where can I find those flash files?


Or is there already a list to "all" flash files so I could easily select the one I found most good lookking/working for me. Also any guides to how-to-flash-step-by-step for totally stupid dummies?

have a look at www.GP32emu.com, there´s a tutorial on how to flash your GP.

However, keep in mind, that the FW of your GP32 is the part, that actually makes your GP32 work. So if you have a bad flash, your GP32 will be useless (except if you are able to built a JTAG cable, what i honestly doubt, because you´re asking what "flashing" means :lol: ). Bad flashs usually happen, if you turn off your GP during the flashing process. There are only a few people who did that (I can remember one case), and it usually happens because of low batterys. The Battery LED of the GP32 doesn´t indicate if your batteries are low, so you would be better off using fresh batteries.

But i suspect, that you are ordering a BLU, right? If that´s the case, you should be happy with the launcher. You´re GP32 won´t be faster, if you take one of those other firmwares, and all you want to do is probably launching programms. So order your GP32 first, and if you don´t feel happy with your firmware, flash it.

here are a few firmwares:
mr Spiv´s site
Aquafish´s page

at all firefox users:

I just typed "mr spiv" into the adress bar of FF, and it directly took me to his page. The same happened with GPBios. Is that normal?
Heyh, thanks, this is great.
First im gonna dig into those sites and then start thinking of the flashing project. :]

Thank you once again.
the only real use of for flashing your firmware is ease of use, I much prefer the windows style that my firmware (the name of which has slipped my mind right at this moment) gives me. Plus changeable wallpaper :o
aapje89 posted on Sep 11 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
If you think if you'll like an other file launcher better than the eu/kr firmware,
then you should flash it.
+ if you flash gpbios you only have to flash it once, and you can boot at startup a file launcher or a program directly! :D
-There is a risk that you have a bad flash, but even then you can repair your gp32.

So if you want to flash do it

i got a bad flash of aquafishes mf , i managed to fix the gp32 but my favorite smc with loads of great snes roms is now ruined
personally i would stick with what you got, or mr spivs, by the way its Wind-ups
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