GP32 Notepad On Gp32

Octavious posted on May 4 2004 at 02:13 PM said:
it was the resolution that bugged me
I believe the guy now
yall dont have to be stuck up dick heads
" noob of the month " was on the team that put out a game that could get 1st or 2nd at the compo
what did you do???
so stfu and ifn yu want to be a prick, be one by yourself, dont bring it here
I had a question, he answered
End of the freaking discussion

Seems like someone can't take jokes and sarcasm very well :rolleyes:
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sammster001 posted on May 3 2004 at 10:45 AM said: Too bad it would take quite a long time to write anything. Now all we need is a touch screen gp32 and a pen and novels could be written so quickly it would make you dizzy.
Forget writing it yourself....

Just use my RCX21000(tm) Novel Generator© it will randomly pick any amount of words from a dictionary. It might take a few google (yes, a real number 1 w/ 100 zeros after it ;)) or googaplex (1 w/ a google zeros after it) tries, but eventually you will get something that will make you world famous, and go down in history, completly replacing people like Shakespear (sp?)

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lol I can't believe a coding request was actually awnsered positivly. :P
Update us with news as soon as possible woogal, I like many others are very excited about this app. :D
does someone know the edgepad (utility) ????
Yes, thats the thing in the screenshots on the previous page :)
A beta will be posted in the beta forum any day now. Probably won't have saving or loading enabled, but I'll be needing people to test the basic editing functions and to make sure that the badly hacked chatboard code works for people other than myself :)