Non Us Keys (Åäö)


Still Fresh
Jul 16, 2010
Hello! I just learned about the Pandora the other day, and have been checking it out. It looks really nice! I've been thinking about buying a Nokia N900, but perhaps I'll stick with my current phone and go for the Pandora instead.

Anyhow: I'm from Sweden, and here we have the additional vowels Å, Ä, and Ö in our alphabet. I realize that there's no such keys on the Pandora keyboard, but is it possible to write the characters somehow (using button combinations or similar)? I realize I could plug in an external keyboard, but that seems messy.
Yes, it's possible with a key combo. You can also edit xmodmap to change key mappings to your liking. Please post further questions in the General section, cause this section is reserved to actual Pandora owners and their problems :)
mali said:
Yes, it's possible with a key combo. You can also edit xmodmap to change key mappings to your liking. Please post further questions in the General section, cause this section is reserved to actual Pandora owners and their problems :)
Ooh, I'll have to read the fine print of the section descriptions next time, sorry!
Seems like a great system!
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mali said:
Yes, it's possible with a key combo. You can also edit xmodmap to change key mappings to your liking. Please post further questions in the General section, cause this section is reserved to actual Pandora owners and their problems :)

Is there a list of those key combo's somewhere?
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^ Sorry, I have no clue.
<Shift><Enter> triggers the special character mode.
For example <Shift><Enter><Fn><S><A> creates ä.
^ That's probably gonna be one of the first things I'll change in mine. 'Ä' is the 11th most common letter in finnish ('ö' is 20th, 'å' is 26th) so having to press five buttons to summon one will not do. Luckily this is linux and I can change things like I please ;)
^ Someone on the German boards replaced Yen, Pound and Euro symbols with umlauts, it's really simple
Just to take this off on a tangent (hey, why not? :D): In german, are the umlauts considered their own vowels or just as being modifications of a letter? In swedish, åäö are proper letters on their own (has their own spaces in the alphabet), and are not thought of as being modifications of a or o. Whilst in french, if I remember correctly, the accents are considered just accents or modifications: é, è and ê are all the same letters, only differently accented.
Moxie said:
In german, are the umlauts considered their own vowels or just as being modifications of a letter?
hi moxie and all !

in german wie have the äöüß as letters for their own.

I have changed the .pndXmodmap and replaced yen, pound and euro as described here

the codes for your language (ie. Å = Aring ) you can find here

the only problem I see is the big number of swedish special characters. maybe you have to use [Ctrl] as a modifier, too.

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I don't think swedish has very many special characters, really. We only have, as far as I know, åäö (and their capitals ÅÄÖ). So that ought to be manageable :-)
Yesterday I try some typing in Czech language and I must say that in this form it is unusable. In many moments I can omit diacritics, but if I type some official email, document or so, then I need type them.

WARNING: Following sentences contains personal opinion that can differ from common user's experience.

The 1st big issue (for me) is that the keys aren't sticky. This mean that if I need Fn (or Shift, or Ctrl,...) and another key, then I always must simultaneously press Fn (or Shift, or Ctrl,...) and the second key. IE: Alt+F4. In sticky way = press and release Alt, Fn and 4 sequential. Standard (non-sticky) = press and hold Alt, then press and hold Fn too and then press 4, and now release all key (try this :-) )

2nd one is that keys are relatively hard to press. After a while of typing I feel pain as my fingers are about to leave my hands. Maybe after few month of finger typing my fingers get stronger (EvilDragon - I guess that You aren't so evil as your fingers must be strong :-) ).

There is some suggestion about remapping some unused symbols (as Pound, Yen, Euro,...). This can work if I have only a few characters with diacritic, but in Czech are many of them. Good thing is, that typical we need ´ (line - longer) and ˇ (hook - softer). Sometimes ¨ (umlaut), ° (ring). While I typing this I realize some (maybe) solution. I look at possibilities of key mapping and try map something like Shift + Fn + Key as diacritic prefix ((IE Shift + Fn + A for ´(longer)). This save one step with compose key and should be much faster.

peca said:
The 1st big issue (for me) is that the keys aren't sticky. This mean that if I need Fn (or Shift, or Ctrl,...) and another key, then I always must simultaneously press Fn (or Shift, or Ctrl,...) and the second key. IE: Alt+F4. In sticky way = press and release Alt, Fn and 4 sequential. Standard (non-sticky) = press and hold Alt, then press and hold Fn too and then press 4, and now release all key (try this :-) )
There's a way to activate sticky keys on at least shift and ctrl, and maybe alt I think. I don't know how as I don't have my Pandora yet, but I think I remember Exophase was the person who figured it out. It may or may not make Fn key sticky as well. Some work probably needs to be done, but it'll get there eventually :)
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@tsh: Oh, thank. I don't realize this yet.
@WizardStan: Actually it made me think about "accessibility" (or how feature set for disabled people is called) settings. "Sticky Keys" is something that I know from Windows. // I sometimes stay still thinking and hold shift pressed or sometimes I thinking and tapping shift or ctrl. This lead to the activation right of this function.
hi peca !

sticky key-configuration is available in settings manager -> accessibility

no idea how that works ...

