No Source = No Port


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2003
Someone knows if transport tycoon it's open source?. Maybe if it is opensource someone wants to port it to gp32 ^__^.
please search before you ask... its not opensource!
or try the search function.
There is a freeware clone, but that is aswell closedsource...
Transport tycoon does have an open source engine. it was wrote by someone who is working on Scummvm. the stats look canny good so far!

Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS requires a 25MHz or higher processor and at least 4Mb RAM running Windows 95. You must also have a SVGA monitor capable of 640x480 in 256 colours. Microsoft MS-DOS version 5 for the DOS version.

the open source versions called OpenTTD it required certain files from the game to run and works quit well. all someone needs to do is do a few hack to the source and we've got a Transport tycoon Deluxe on GP32. all be you need the game to play. The topic should be changed back and noted. i'm going to mess around and see what i can do to get it on the GP.

heres the web site it's a forum but it tells you all you need to know