No Sound In Left Speaker :/


Still Fresh
Dec 23, 2005
Hi i have a problem, i just got my wiz and it seems that my left speaker isn't playing any sound.

At first i didn't notice this but when i added headphones to the wiz i didn't get any sound on the left side, so i unplugged the headphones and there was still no sound on the left speaker :o

Anyone know how to fix this, it seems that the hardware is ok since the sound don't play on the left side with or without headphones.
i had problems with sound today, too.
Animatch, myriad, snes and gpsp were working fine, but in all homebrew games and the nes emulator the sound was suddenly gone.

I flashed the new firmware again and my wiz is happy again :D
I reinstalled firmware 1.1 aswell, but still no sound on the left speaker :(

Anyone know if there is a way to hardreset it?

I will try to remove the battery tomorrow and see if it helps.
I am afraid there is no better hard reset then the firmware reinstallation :(
Removing the battery won't do the trick I think, but you could try.

It's strange it happens with both Speaker/headphones.
If it isn't working I would considering contacting your supplier and ask for a new unit.
RX Shorty said:
I am afraid there is no better hard reset then the firmware reinstallation :(
Removing the battery won't do the trick I think, but you could try.

It's strange it happens with both Speaker/headphones.
If it isn't working I would considering contacting your supplier and ask for a new unit.

Yeah it's very strange, hopefully it's a software problem that can be fixed. I contacted Tony Han now and i hope that he can help me.
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xBreed said:
RX Shorty said:
I am afraid there is no better hard reset then the firmware reinstallation :(
Removing the battery won't do the trick I think, but you could try.

It's strange it happens with both Speaker/headphones.
If it isn't working I would considering contacting your supplier and ask for a new unit.

Yeah it's very strange, hopefully it's a software problem that can be fixed. I contacted Tony Han now and i hope that he can help me.
where did u buy yr wiz from? i bought mine from play-asia and had many problems, contacted tony han he told me to send back to korea to him and he will be sending me a brand new set today but he told me that next time any problems with wiz need to contact the place where we bought from instead. so from what he said this is an exception for me lol...
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momosxp said:
i had problems with sound today, too.
Animatch, myriad, snes and gpsp were working fine, but in all homebrew games and the nes emulator the sound was suddenly gone.
That's weird as even though Animatch and Myriad are supplied with the Wiz they are both home brew games, I should know as I wrote Myriad. I wonder if it is something to do with the SDK and volume control or something? Have you tried turning the volume on the Wiz up to full before running the games that fail?
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i think i did. i pressed the vol up button very often in each situation. But don't know..
But it seems their is a problem with the integrated music player. (someone on german gp2x forum found out)
It sets a global volume, doesn't reset it on exit and some application cant get above the volume set in the integrated music player.
wejp wrote it's because the integrated player uses hardware mixer and the other application the software to regulate the volume.

Maybe that's the problem i had. Can remember that sound was gone after i used the player..
yes i use it already "sometimes" (autorestart problem and want an official fix from gph)
But since the reflash i don't have any soundproblems. I use gmu instead of the integreated player. ;)
The machine was broken, the left sound channel didn't give out any sound at all.

But I've sent my machine back now and they will send me a new one asap. :D

We have received your returned GP2X Wiz. We don't have any consoles
in stock at the moment but as soon as we do (we're expecting a
delivery in August) I'll send a replacement out to you.