No Picture With Tv Cable


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
i got the tv cable in the post today and have been trying to get it to work for the past hour. i ordered from who were supposed to include the svideo adaptor and extension leads but didnt, so while waiting for them to sort it out i thought i would try connecting it up via s-video to see if it works.

ive connected the svideo to the tv and enabled TV-Out on the gp2x in the menu, the gp2x screen turns off but theres no picture on the tv. double checked the connection and channel on the tv which is fine and wiggled the gp2x adaptor incase its not connecting, still no picture.

i have tried on my projector and PC TV card and still no picture. it seems the cable is working as when i switched on the gp2x i got the boot up jingle audio on the projector but when enabling tv out on the gp2x i still get no picture.

anyone got any ideas to what the problem could be, my guess is that the svideo connection is broke?
I had the same problem, and it ended up just being the shoddy connection. I know you said wiggling didn't do anything, and that's why I initially found, but it turns out when I pressed the connection down (not wiggling left or right, but rather pulling up on the part sticking out, thus forcing the part inside the port downwards onto the pins) the picture came up. If you do in fact have the same problem I did, fortunately the fix someone posted about wedging a 3x5 card piece in with the cable to force better contact with the pins works very well.
I tried pushing and pulling the cable on the gp2x and no luck, thanks for the suggestion though. I got a reply back from iwantoneofthose about the missing adaptor and extension leads and they said that they thought at first it would come with them but it was a mistake on their part and they wont be shipping them with the tv cable. They offered me a full refund as I had emailed them to confirm beforehand that it would be shipped with the extras, so I will be sending it back to them.
I've got the same problem now. Just received mine from Lik-Sang and can't for the life of me get a picture on the screen. I see a little flicker when I turn on the TV-out from the menu, but other than that, no combination of wiggling, pushing or pulling results in a picture on my television.

Any more advice ?
Does your Tv set have SCART detection ? I mean like when you plug your home gaming system (Ps2, Xbox ...), does it switch to Scart automaticaly ?
This could be the problem. My Tv set doesn't have this Scart detection and I have to use the remote in order to switch to that particular channel.
Btw my Tv also isn't S-video compliant, so the image is still B&W. :( . Need to buy a reeal converter.
virusx posted on May 12 2006 at 09:42 AM said:
Does your Tv set have SCART detection ? I mean like when you plug your home gaming system (Ps2, Xbox ...), does it switch to Scart automaticaly ?
This could be the problem. My Tv set doesn't have this Scart detection and I have to use the remote in order to switch to that particular channel.
Btw my Tv also isn't S-video compliant, so the image is still B&W. :( . Need to buy a reeal converter.

Um, if Scart has real Video-in support, (I think it might) All you really need is one small capacitor.

If that doesn't work for you, get an S-video to RCA cinch adapter, they aren't all that expensive.

Can you test it on another TV to rule that out?
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I went round and round with the cables too, and I have to tell you that at first I got no picture either and figured it was the cables. Then I read the post hear about using the index card to wedge the connector in for a tighter fit and it works like a charm now. I wouldn't rule out that it's a bad conection just yet. H.G.
hired gun posted on May 13 2006 at 07:41 AM said:
I went round and round with the cables too, and I have to tell you that at first I got no picture either and figured it was the cables. Then I read the post hear about using the index card to wedge the connector in for a tighter fit and it works like a charm now. I wouldn't rule out that it's a bad conection just yet. H.G.

Yep, you are welcome, I even posted a tv-out to the archive with tons of pictures.

Going by what you guys say you probably don't need to file it down any either, but I didn't want to go halfway.

Get my guide, follow the last pictures to see how to put in the index card, if that works for you then you don't need to file.

Has anyone cleaned up my idea and put it in the Wiki yet?

I was surprised myself that the problem could be fixed so easily, for sure give it a shot.
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nubie posted on May 13 2006 at 07:25 PM said:
Yep, you are welcome, I even posted a tv-out to the archive with tons of pictures.

Going by what you guys say you probably don't need to file it down any either, but I didn't want to go halfway.

Get my guide, follow the last pictures to see how to put in the index card, if that works for you then you don't need to file.

Has anyone cleaned up my idea and put it in the Wiki yet?

I was surprised myself that the problem could be fixed so easily, for sure give it a shot.

DOH!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry dude, I didn't remember that it was you who had posted it. Thanks for the idea, like I said earlier it works perfectly. But now that I got you, there are a few questions that I'd like to ask you. First, since you mentioned above the filing part, I never quite understood that. Since the problem is a loose conection, why the filing down part??? And secondly, have you found something "permanant???" I have tried with a little epoxy and plastic from a yougurt container and also epoxy and a little "cardboard" from a chewing gum box, but they end up coming off. Mabye a thin piece of plastic and super glue would do the trick????? Thanks again for the brilliant idea, I would have probably never come up with it on my own, LOL, H.G.
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hired gun posted on May 13 2006 at 11:12 AM said:
DOH!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry dude, I didn't remember that it was you who had posted it. Thanks for the idea, like I said earlier it works perfectly. But now that I got you, there are a few questions that I'd like to ask you. First, since you mentioned above the filing part, I never quite understood that. Since the problem is a loose conection, why the filing down part??? And secondly, have you found something "permanant???" I have tried with a little epoxy and plastic from a yougurt container and also epoxy and a little "cardboard" from a chewing gum box, but they end up coming off. Mabye a thin piece of plastic and super glue would do the trick????? Thanks again for the brilliant idea, I would have probably never come up with it on my own, LOL, H.G.

No need to say sorry, I already had my 10 minutes of fame :D.

Good questions too,

First the filing, I looked at the thing and to me it seemed like the pins weren't going in far enough, that is why I filed the very tip.

Then I realized that the pins weren't reaching the contacts, so I jammed the paper in, I figured if I removed some material from the opposite side it would even things out a bit and maybe keep it from spreading out the connector or touching it on the side I didn't put the paper in.

But if it isn't necessary to file it, don't worry about, I just did cause I felt like it.

On the permanent fix topic, have you tried JB Weld, or another hard Epoxy?

I would put a blob of that on, then when it hardens file it down to suit your GP2X.

For a real permanent Fix I would try making my own TV-Out Cable from a Samsung Cell-phone e810 to PC Serial cable, they are pretty cheap and you can add the wires you want in the length you want.

Probably not worth the trouble though if a bit of JB Weld will fix it.

I sold my GP2X a couple months back when I needed the money, hope to get a new one sometime this year though.
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nubie posted on May 13 2006 at 08:48 PM said:
No need to say sorry, I already had my 10 minutes of fame :D.

Good questions too,

First the filing, I looked at the thing and to me it seemed like the pins weren't going in far enough, that is why I filed the very tip.

Then I realized that the pins weren't reaching the contacts, so I jammed the paper in, I figured if I removed some material from the opposite side it would even things out a bit and maybe keep it from spreading out the connector or touching it on the side I didn't put the paper in.

But if it isn't necessary to file it, don't worry about, I just did cause I felt like it.

On the permanent fix topic, have you tried JB Weld, or another hard Epoxy?

I would put a blob of that on, then when it hardens file it down to suit your GP2X.

For a real permanent Fix I would try making my own TV-Out Cable from a Samsung Cell-phone e810 to PC Serial cable, they are pretty cheap and you can add the wires you want in the length you want.

Probably not worth the trouble though if a bit of JB Weld will fix it.

I sold my GP2X a couple months back when I needed the money, hope to get a new one sometime this year though.

Actually I think a great idea like that deserves more than 10 minutes, but life isn't always fair, LOL I'll try the JB weld thing and see what happens, in the worst case I can always file it off I guess. I'll have to look into the cell phone set up though, sound like it's about as permanant as this is gonna get, LOL, thanks again, H.G.
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hired gun posted on May 13 2006 at 01:06 PM said:
I'll have to look into the cell phone set up though, sound like it's about as permanant as this is gonna get, LOL, thanks again, H.G.

Samsung e810 cable on wiki, I designed this one too :).

As you can see it has all the pins in it, getting them connected easily would likely require a PCB because those pins are tiny and tend to move, shorting out into their neighbors.

I mean to try my buddies LG phone connector, it seems to be *identical* to the GP2X connector, unlike the Samsung ones, which work just fine nonetheless.

His phone got a cracked LCD, seems a lot cellphones and iPods are suffering from this, I am glad the GP2X is comparitively clunky if it means the screens don't crack :).
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