No More Batteries?


:3 :3 :3
Mar 3, 2003
french S/W
today, i unbricked my GP, with firmware 2.0 , everything seemes fine until i unplug my power adaptator and put batteries,

the green light is on (well in fact, it blinkc one millisecond and then becomes really on), but the screen isn't lightened, i can see some black lines on it but that's all,

wondering if my gp got bricked again i put the power cord back, and it works :huh:

why no more batteries? has my handheld became non mobile anymore? :blink:
I would gues that you used a unregulated psu wich fried the voltage regulator.
You can get it repaired by evildragon /
I would gues that you used a unregulated psu wich fried the voltage regulator.
You can get it repaired by evildragon /
well it's the same SONY minidisc PSU that i use since i received the gp2x, and still i'm surprised cuz it still works great with that psu, so the psu would have burned the batterie's voltage regulator?
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with my famous paffing method:
take the GP2X in your right hand, and hit it against your left hand 5 or 6 times ..

if it doesn't work, invert hands :ph34r:

well it was only temporary, but it makes me think there's some kinda bad contact somewhere, i could make it work again once with another paffing, but i wanna make sure cuz it can't be a really definitive methos :D
, and also the paffing moved a dust right on the middle of my screen :P
I would gues that you used a unregulated psu wich fried the voltage regulator.
You can get it repaired by evildragon /
well it's the same SONY minidisc PSU that i use since i received the gp2x, and still i'm surprised cuz it still works great with that psu, so the psu would have burned the batterie's voltage regulator?
This is happening all over to many peeps, Yes.

I plan to put my very cool Monster Cable Micro PSU (as small as the slimmest Cell charger you have ever seen with the fold-out plug) with 5 volts into the battery terminals and through the power regulation circuit to avoid breaking said circuit.

The data sheet on the Regulator says it will take 5 volts in (might as well use 4 AA batteries when mobile too, should last much longer, it wastes less energy to make less voltage from more voltage than it does to come up with more voltage from less [2.6 up to 3.3] vs [5 down to 3.3], think about it :)).
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well my inverted minidisc supply is great, 3v 500mA , 5W not guilty for the problem :D
Not bad, needs more like 800mA, recommended specs are 1,000mA.

And I don't go by what it says, I fried some equipment that way.

I only believe it if I check it under load (while using it) with a multimeter. They are only about $5 or less for a usable digital one at Harbor Freight or some other purveyor of cut-rate-manufactured tools.
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