No CA Certificate, no University Internet?


Still Fresh
Apr 7, 2011
Purdue University
Howdy, guys!

I finally got my little buddy back from ED about a month ago, and everything's been aces, save for one thing that's been an issue the whole time. My university has a solid wireless internet connection, PAL, that's available in every building on campus. The problem is, I'm having issues connecting to it with the Pandora. It seems as though the reason why is that I'm lacking a certain CA certificate; when I try to connect without one, XFCE warns me that having none may lead to connecting to rogue networks or some nonsense, and trying to connect anyway will lead me right back to the same menu. The information on the connection menu is as follows...

Wireless Security: WPA, WPA2 Enterprise

Authentication: Tunneled TLS

Anonymous Identity: [blank]

CA Certificate: None

Inner Authentication: MSCHAPv2

Username: [my username]

Password: [my password]

Purdue offers on its website a .tar for Linux computers that supposedly puts one on the fast track to connecting to PAL, but I don't seem to be able to execute it on the Pandora. I'm not sure if that contains the certificate I need, or if said certificate is in the Pandora's files somewhere and I need to dig it out.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to dole out some more information?
I am able to connect to eduroam without a certificate, and it uses the same authentication method as the one you mention. However, the pandora's WiFi is very picky about the access points it likes. Try getting one of those $8 WiFi sticks and try with that.
That .tar file is an archive, similar to .zip. Try opening it with squeeze, and look for the CA certificate inside.
Hey, guys! Sorry for not getting back on this, I picked a bad time to post :P We had a long vacation, and then a geyser of projects to take care of, which meant leaving my little buddy at the wayside for a while.

Thanks for all your advice, but after trying both Karl and Swat's methods, I'm still on square one here. The terminal commands don't appear to have left any CA certificates in the appropriate folder, and the .tar contains only an executable that the Pandora doesn't seem to want to run. What I might do is ask the ITAP department for suggestions and report my findings here, for anyone else who might be having the same problem!
I'm having related issues. It works with AddTrust-External-CA-Root, sometimes. About 1/50 connection attempts or so succeds. This is highly annoying. dmesg isn't giving me any relevant debugging information only the vague "wlan0: deauthenticating from [...] by local choice (reason=3)". wpa_cli can't connect to wpa_supplicant, ifup and ifdown doesn't recognize the interface (network manager hell) and I can't find any valuable debugging information in /var/log. What should I do? How do one proceed with trying to find a solution to this mysterious problem?
Howdy, guys!

I finally got my little buddy back from ED about a month ago, and everything's been aces, save for one thing that's been an issue the whole time. My university has a solid wireless internet connection, PAL, that's available in every building on campus. The problem is, I'm having issues connecting to it with the Pandora. It seems as though the reason why is that I'm lacking a certain CA certificate; when I try to connect without one, XFCE warns me that having none may lead to connecting to rogue networks or some nonsense, and trying to connect anyway will lead me right back to the same menu. The information on the connection menu is as follows...

Wireless Security: WPA, WPA2 Enterprise

Authentication: Tunneled TLS

Anonymous Identity: [blank]

CA Certificate: None

Inner Authentication: MSCHAPv2

Username: [my username]

Password: [my password]

Purdue offers on its website a .tar for Linux computers that supposedly puts one on the fast track to connecting to PAL, but I don't seem to be able to execute it on the Pandora. I'm not sure if that contains the certificate I need, or if said certificate is in the Pandora's files somewhere and I need to dig it out.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to dole out some more information?
Cool to see another person that goes/went to Purdue? What are you studying?

Personally have my degree in aviation from Purdue.
