Nk Just Released Source Code

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NK just released source code for his NES, SNES, NeoCD emulators and asking people to help improving them, since he's, of course, overwhelmed by them alone.

I don't have a mean to host the data, but you can go to www.gp2mania.com and select the middle slot of the bottom 3 group of lefthand side panel.
could someone translate the readme in case there is something new in it?

readme translated by sdcj
EmuGP2X (NesGP2X & SnesGP2X & NeoCDGP2X)

Last Update : 2005.11.27

1. Update

- 2005.11.27
  NeoCDGP2X added

- 2005.11.23
  Added X,Y key for replacemant of A,B to NesGP2X

2. Control

- File Explorer
   <-, X : Previous Folder
   ->, B, Stick key : Run, Open Folder
  Start : Exit
  L, R : Skin Change

- All
  Stick key + R : Exit(back to file explorer)
  volume +/- : volume up and down

- NesGP2X
  Direction Stick, Start, Select, A(X), B(Y) : Game Movement
  R + Start : Reset
  R + Volume +/- : Adjust Frame Skip

- SnesGP2X
  Direction Stick, Start, Select, A, B, X, Y, L, R : Game Movement
  Stick Key + Start : Reset
  Stick Key + Select : Show FPS 

  Direction Stick, Start, Select, A, B, X, Y : Game Movement

3. Reference

- If freezing on black screen, You need installing libs by running install_libs.gpu on utility menu.

- First Apps will look up romfiles in 'roms' folder below *.gpe folder.
- support skin0 ~ skin9
- Default Skin is snes skin. Neocd and Nes use this too.
- If you wanna use same skin in two emus, edit filer.png to filer_nes.png, filer_snes.png and that will work on each emu.
- SnesGP2X, NeoCDGP2X support zipped romfile, but NesGP2X don't support yet.
- Sound is not yet supported by NeoCDGP2X 

4. To do
- Support zipped roms(NesGP2X)
- Apply OpenSnes9x asm module(SnesGP2X)
- Sound support(NeoCDGP2X)
- Full screen support(All)
- Support forced save(All)

5. Source

- NesGP2X from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS, Nofrendo
  InfoNES : http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley/5604/
  Little John PalmOS : http://yoyofr92.free.fr/
  Nofrendo : http://www.baisoku.org/

- SnesGP2X from snes9x, OpenSnes9x, Little John PalmOS
  snes9x : http://snes9x.com
  OpenSnes9x : http://yoyofr92.free.fr/
  Little John PalmOS : http://yoyofr92.free.fr/

- NeoCDGP2X from NeoCD/SDL, NeoCD/PSP
  NeoCD/SDL : http://pacifi3d.retrogames.com/neocdsdl/
  NeoCD/PSP : http://yoyofr92.free.fr/

6. Made by

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Now, Understanding the code, and knowing C++ like the back of my hand is two different things. Im still a java boy. Slowly converting over, so I know both.
hope someone improves the neocd emu, the current one is, even if its slow and without sound, awesome. just to see metal slug, totally clear, running on the gp2x ist great.