Ninty Ds Specs


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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Might be better in "Other Consoles" but I don't desperately want it on the front page, so here's better imo.

Clearly the DS does a fair bit of 3D. However, no specsheet I've seen thus far mentions a 3D chip of any form - or even a graphics chip of any form. As far as I can gather, this machine does everything on 2 ARM-based chips - one ARM720t at 33MHz and an ARM920t at 66MHz... or in other words, a GBA CPU (minus the gfx stuff) at twice its clockspeed, and a slow GP32/GP2x CPU.

What it clearly DOES have (and all Nintendo mention it as having on their official specs site) is a 3D library, that, from what everyone has been saying, is amazing. Which basically means, there's not much reason why (apart from the additional screen, of course), were that library ported, DS games could not make the transition to GP32, let alone GP2x... not that that will ever happen, but that's the implication - the GP32 should have been able to do 3D a LOT better than the DS, having an additional 34MHz of CPU power to throw at the job. Again, not surprising that it never did (I'm ignoring Yeti for the time being, although it certainly had the potential to be used to produce some amazing stuff), but hey.

But back to topic. Can anyone point me in the direction of a spec sheet that mentions any specific HARDWARE that the DS has that isn't simply an off-the-shelf chip of the ARM variety?

Oh, and I'd rather not be replied to with "but the DS has gfx hardware to help it along" - that's what I'm trying to verify; if you want to say that, please please please show me a list of specs that proves it!
wow...I searched for tech specs for the DS since I read this...everything is vauge as hell...Its always something stupid like "a, b, y,x buttons, two screens, touch screen, etc. Theres like NO specific details about processors or graphics...not evn on their website.

Farthers I got was that the two processors combine their effort to creat 3D effects..(SEGA SATURN? :P )
As a game developer who has seen the technical specs for the DS, I can tell you that it does have a 3D processor that can output to one of the two screens. Saying any more than that would be breaking NDA.
Okiedoke... I just find it really annoying (not to say confusing) as to why it isn't mentioned on any spec sheets anywhere. But hey, that's life, I suppose.
Here is stuff from their press site:
3-D: With the newly developed graphics engine, DS can reproduce impressive 3-D renderings that can surpass images displayed on the Nintendo® 64. Games will run at 60 frames per second, and allow details like fog effects and cel shading.
Top Screen: A backlit, 3-inch, semitransparent reflective TFT color LCD with 256 x 192 pixel resolution and .24 mm dot pitch, capable of displaying 260,000 colors
Touch Screen: Same specs as top screen, but with a transparent analog touch screen
CPUs: One ARM9 and one ARM7
Sound: Stereo speakers providing virtual surround sound, depending on the software
Yep. Im guessing its just a good 3d graphics library, that runs amazing!