The thing I don't get about 'fanboyism' is that most of these guys, and it's always guys, haven't been in any gangs.
They are classic gang recruitment fodder. Tell them they can call themselves a 'street' name, say 'Nexus6', that only means something to others either in or on the fringes of the crew, and reinforce their belief they are part of a movement.
As a support for these guys - that's fine. Better than Uzis and bitches fo sho, but, and it's a big but (and I cannot lie)
they mostly feel the need to publicly denounce other crews. 'F U M$', 'Pish oan yer chips Intel' or by some other such street language these.. punks make themselves known to the other wannabes and wastrels as one of their own.
I'm pretty sure it's because we're all shitbags and don't have one decent idea between us.