Nintendo Ds


Dec 29, 2004
Hi Ill,

Just got myself a Nintendo DS, Rellay pleased just been playing Ridge Racer and some GBA games vis my old GBA linker card and im pretty impressed.

What I was wondering is:

A ) Anyone else got a DS and what do you think of it?

B ) Is there a EMU scene, I expect the old GBA emus of Sega SMS Speccy and Nez will work vis the linker card, but is there any chance of a N64 Emu on it? Or any other emus for that matter.

Thanks for Reading,

Come back in a week or two`s time and let us know what you think of it then. :p

Once the initial "cool new gadget" excitment has worn off. :)

No emu`s yet as far as i know, But i think there is a tetris homebrew game if i remember, Is that right ?.

Btw: Playable N64 emulation on ds, Never!.

Please keep stuff about other consoles in the other console board.

Yes I have one and every time I play on it I just wish I'd waited for the PSP.
kknd_cf posted on May 13 2005 at 05:45 PM said:
Yes I have one and every time I play on it I just wish I'd waited for the PSP.

same :(
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What do I think of it? Do you really want to know? I could go on for days... It's a gimmicky piece of crap... an utter waste of money, time, and resources. It's one of the most retarded things Nintendo has ever done/made. "innovative new gameplay," my ass... The 2 screens are a gimmick. The touch screen is a gimmick. Try playing WarioWare Touched... you'll see what I'm talking about. YES, the touch screen is a new idea as far as using it for gaming is concerned, but they're not doing anything cool with it anyway, so who cares? I don't have a DS of my own, but I've played one at Electronics Boutique. I would NEVER buy one. I don't care if it costs less than a PSP or GP32 or anything else. It's not worth even a penny anyway. I have not yet had the oppertunity to play a PSP, so I don't know how good it is compared to the DS, but I'm almost 100% certain, based on what I've seen, heard, and read about it, that it is definitely better and more worth it. I can say this because of its specs and what has come from sony in the past. They've got a powerful system with great graphics and a huge screen. The only problem I see with it is the fact that the whole thing is the most glossy object known to man and will pick up tons of smudges and fingerprints easily. Now if they're smart, they'll release ports of some of their old PSX games like the Jet Moto and Twisted Metal series(old ones like TM1 and 2. 2 was the best), and maybe Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. It would also be cool to see ports of Tobal(Squaresoft fighting series that wasn't very popular, but it's my favorite fighting series ever). Maybe a port of Final Fantasy Chronicles? Basically... we need psx ports. If they don't give us PSX ports, then the PSP will follow in the footsteps of every other handheld before it(excluding the GP32). The only plus it will have over previous handheld systems is the fact that it can play music and movies(good quality, too) unless we see ports. Let's face it... I can't possibly be the only one out there who wished for ports(REAL ports... GOOD ports... not some crappy redone games with the same names as the originals that weren't even close... and when they are good ports, I'm not about to pay 20 bucks for a game that's 20 years old and only cost about 10 at the time when it was new... screw you, Nintendo, you won't get another penny from me) of my favorite console games to appear on the handheld systems of the time... That's why I love the GP32 so much. It might not be able to play anything newer than SNES(and the SNES emulation isn't the best either... hopefully that will change eventually though), but that's fine with me. I grew up playing NES 10 hours a day. the NES is part of who I am. Even if all it emulated was the NES, I'd still have one. Whether the PSP can be used for emulation or not is irrelavent. However, if it can emulate SNES flawlessly at some point in time, AND it gets some good PSX ports, I'll buy one. But I will never buy another thing from Nintendo... not until they get their act together. Everything they've done in the past 10 years has been a stupid gimmick and/or ripoff.

By the way, Trooper... speaking of the "cool new gadget" excitement that I got on the day I received my GP32... It still hasn't worn off(It's been about 2 months now), and I don't think it ever will. I absolutely LOVE this machine. The GP32 = best 200 bucks I've ever spent. I feel as though my life is now 90% complete. All I need to complete it now is for someone to make a good SNES emulator that runs at full speed with sound without that stupid grey bar on a BLU+(or if someone makes a perfect SNES emulator for PSP), and for Sony to put out ports of all the games I mentioned above(except FF8, that game sucked anyway... but I know there are some out there who loved it, so why not?) on the PSP. If those 2 things happen, then I will buy a PSP, and my life will truly be complete. :D
i had a ds since xmas and had a psp for 2 weeks now and even though the psp is better in many ways i still love my ds, its a good machine but im worried how slow the games are coming, and espescially with the rumours that the 'real' gameboy follow up is coming next year, i hope nintendo does well thoug
Magus 86 posted on May 13 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
What do I think of it? Do you really want to know? I could go on for days... It's a gimmicky piece of crap... an utter waste of money, time, and resources. It's one of the most retarded things Nintendo has ever done/made. "innovative new gameplay," my ass... The 2 screens are a gimmick. The touch screen is a gimmick. Try playing WarioWare Touched... you'll see what I'm talking about. YES, the touch screen is a new idea as far as using it for gaming is concerned, but they're not doing anything cool with it anyway, so who cares? I don't have a DS of my own, but I've played one at Electronics Boutique. I would NEVER buy one. I don't care if it costs less than a PSP or GP32 or anything else. It's not worth even a penny anyway. I have not yet had the oppertunity to play a PSP, so I don't know how good it is compared to the DS, but I'm almost 100% certain, based on what I've seen, heard, and read about it, that it is definitely better and more worth it. I can say this because of its specs and what has come from sony in the past. They've got a powerful system with great graphics and a huge screen. The only problem I see with it is the fact that the whole thing is the most glossy object known to man and will pick up tons of smudges and fingerprints easily. Now if they're smart, they'll release ports of some of their old PSX games like the Jet Moto and Twisted Metal series(old ones like TM1 and 2. 2 was the best), and maybe Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. It would also be cool to see ports of Tobal(Squaresoft fighting series that wasn't very popular, but it's my favorite fighting series ever). Maybe a port of Final Fantasy Chronicles? Basically... we need psx ports. If they don't give us PSX ports, then the PSP will follow in the footsteps of every other handheld before it(excluding the GP32). The only plus it will have over previous handheld systems is the fact that it can play music and movies(good quality, too) unless we see ports. Let's face it... I can't possibly be the only one out there who wished for ports(REAL ports... GOOD ports... not some crappy redone games with the same names as the originals that weren't even close... and when they are good ports, I'm not about to pay 20 bucks for a game that's 20 years old and only cost about 10 at the time when it was new... screw you, Nintendo, you won't get another penny from me) of my favorite console games to appear on the handheld systems of the time... That's why I love the GP32 so much. It might not be able to play anything newer than SNES(and the SNES emulation isn't the best either... hopefully that will change eventually though), but that's fine with me. I grew up playing NES 10 hours a day. the NES is part of who I am. Even if all it emulated was the NES, I'd still have one. Whether the PSP can be used for emulation or not is irrelavent. However, if it can emulate SNES flawlessly at some point in time, AND it gets some good PSX ports, I'll buy one. But I will never buy another thing from Nintendo... not until they get their act together. Everything they've done in the past 10 years has been a stupid gimmick and/or ripoff.

By the way, Trooper... speaking of the "cool new gadget" excitement that I got on the day I received my GP32... It still hasn't worn off(It's been about 2 months now), and I don't think it ever will. I absolutely LOVE this machine. The GP32 = best 200 bucks I've ever spent. I feel as though my life is now 90% complete. All I need to complete it now is for someone to make a good SNES emulator that runs at full speed with sound without that stupid grey bar on a BLU+(or if someone makes a perfect SNES emulator for PSP), and for Sony to put out ports of all the games I mentioned above(except FF8, that game sucked anyway... but I know there are some out there who loved it, so why not?) on the PSP. If those 2 things happen, then I will buy a PSP, and my life will truly be complete. :D

Your speculating and presuming half of that shite you posted, wait till you actually own either machine before you spout your pointless opinions.
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The Ds is cool, but that biatch Wario ware is too short and scratched my screen. I'm just waiting for some good games out like FF3 DS.

FF8, that game sucked anyway
How. Dare. You.
Magus 86 posted on May 13 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
What do I think of it? Do you really want to know? I could go on for days... It's a gimmicky piece of crap... an utter waste of money, time, and resources. It's one of the most retarded things Nintendo has ever done/made. "innovative new gameplay," my ass... The 2 screens are a gimmick. The touch screen is a gimmick. Try playing WarioWare Touched... you'll see what I'm talking about. YES, the touch screen is a new idea as far as using it for gaming is concerned, but they're not doing anything cool with it anyway, so who cares? I don't have a DS of my own, but I've played one at Electronics Boutique. I would NEVER buy one. I don't care if it costs less than a PSP or GP32 or anything else. It's not worth even a penny anyway. I have not yet had the oppertunity to play a PSP, so I don't know how good it is compared to the DS, but I'm almost 100% certain, based on what I've seen, heard, and read about it, that it is definitely better and more worth it. I can say this because of its specs and what has come from sony in the past. They've got a powerful system with great graphics and a huge screen. The only problem I see with it is the fact that the whole thing is the most glossy object known to man and will pick up tons of smudges and fingerprints easily. Now if they're smart, they'll release ports of some of their old PSX games like the Jet Moto and Twisted Metal series(old ones like TM1 and 2. 2 was the best), and maybe Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. It would also be cool to see ports of Tobal(Squaresoft fighting series that wasn't very popular, but it's my favorite fighting series ever). Maybe a port of Final Fantasy Chronicles? Basically... we need psx ports. If they don't give us PSX ports, then the PSP will follow in the footsteps of every other handheld before it(excluding the GP32). The only plus it will have over previous handheld systems is the fact that it can play music and movies(good quality, too) unless we see ports. Let's face it... I can't possibly be the only one out there who wished for ports(REAL ports... GOOD ports... not some crappy redone games with the same names as the originals that weren't even close... and when they are good ports, I'm not about to pay 20 bucks for a game that's 20 years old and only cost about 10 at the time when it was new... screw you, Nintendo, you won't get another penny from me) of my favorite console games to appear on the handheld systems of the time... That's why I love the GP32 so much. It might not be able to play anything newer than SNES(and the SNES emulation isn't the best either... hopefully that will change eventually though), but that's fine with me. I grew up playing NES 10 hours a day. the NES is part of who I am. Even if all it emulated was the NES, I'd still have one. Whether the PSP can be used for emulation or not is irrelavent. However, if it can emulate SNES flawlessly at some point in time, AND it gets some good PSX ports, I'll buy one. But I will never buy another thing from Nintendo... not until they get their act together. Everything they've done in the past 10 years has been a stupid gimmick and/or ripoff.

By the way, Trooper... speaking of the "cool new gadget" excitement that I got on the day I received my GP32... It still hasn't worn off(It's been about 2 months now), and I don't think it ever will. I absolutely LOVE this machine. The GP32 = best 200 bucks I've ever spent. I feel as though my life is now 90% complete. All I need to complete it now is for someone to make a good SNES emulator that runs at full speed with sound without that stupid grey bar on a BLU+(or if someone makes a perfect SNES emulator for PSP), and for Sony to put out ports of all the games I mentioned above(except FF8, that game sucked anyway... but I know there are some out there who loved it, so why not?) on the PSP. If those 2 things happen, then I will buy a PSP, and my life will truly be complete.  :D

Dear Sir,

With all due respect, that is one of the most FUCKING retarted posts I've ever read!

If it wasn't for your positive comments on the GP32, I'd have you committed!

I am sick to the back teeth of idiots writing reviews on amazon like

"Reviewer: archie from your house
The new GTA for psp is thought to maybe be a mix of gta 3 and the next gta in teh series Gta 4. There have been hints of 4 player wireless play and also it will be set in liberty city the same in gta 3 but the cars will be different from gta 3.

Order this game now as it is going to be great! "


" Blown Away, April 17, 2005
Reviewer: irvinefan3 from England
This thing is in a differnt class to the PSP, and even if you are two i wouldnt get it. I got the PSP and it is so useful, the only problem is the amoun to f games and DVDs brought out, so dont get this get PSP. "

Do you see the point I'm trying to make?


Is that clear? A quick blast in EB doesn't make for extensive playtesting. And was the N64 a disappointment? What were you expecting? Jeez, did you never play Goldeneye? Zelda?

At the moment there are no great DS games. But they might come. The original poster says 'really pleased'. He's having fun!

And you want ports? The same game you've played already? And that's all you want? Great, then we would still be playing space wars and pong on our new systems. They could be ported. Me? I am kinda hoping for the odd original game, but that's just me!

I never play my DS anymore. Don't play the PSP much anymore. But they are very new, and if the games that are promised are half as good as they could be, then we might all have fun.

But until then, only write about what you know about. Unless you want to surmise, of course. I just know that amazon will be full of Xbox 360 reviews, and I'll be seething!

Anyway, I've had a shite day! :(
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Must say, I've got a DS with Metroid prime and MarioDS. Metroid is horrible to play (I hate using the touchscreen to look around, but there seems to be no other option, as the D pad is just strafe and forwards/backwards). MarioDS works well, but after about 5 minutes or so I get sick of the tiny screen, and using the bottom screen for the map just seems like an excuse.

All in all, I'd never buy another DS game, but I've flashed the BIOS to remove the RSA signature check, so I can at least upload homebrew to it easily via both Wifi and GBA flash carts.
Magus 86 posted on May 13 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
What do I think of it? Do you really want to know? I could go on for days... It's a gimmicky piece of crap... an utter waste of money, time, and resources. It's one of the most retarded things Nintendo has ever done/made. "innovative new gameplay," my ass... The 2 screens are a gimmick. The touch screen is a gimmick. Try playing WarioWare Touched... you'll see what I'm talking about. YES, the touch screen is a new idea as far as using it for gaming is concerned, but they're not doing anything cool with it anyway, so who cares? I don't have a DS of my own, but I've played one at Electronics Boutique. I would NEVER buy one. I don't care if it costs less than a PSP or GP32 or anything else. It's not worth even a penny anyway. I have not yet had the oppertunity to play a PSP, so I don't know how good it is compared to the DS, but I'm almost 100% certain, based on what I've seen, heard, and read about it, that it is definitely better and more worth it. I can say this because of its specs and what has come from sony in the past. They've got a powerful system with great graphics and a huge screen. The only problem I see with it is the fact that the whole thing is the most glossy object known to man and will pick up tons of smudges and fingerprints easily. Now if they're smart, they'll release ports of some of their old PSX games like the Jet Moto and Twisted Metal series(old ones like TM1 and 2. 2 was the best), and maybe Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. It would also be cool to see ports of Tobal(Squaresoft fighting series that wasn't very popular, but it's my favorite fighting series ever). Maybe a port of Final Fantasy Chronicles? Basically... we need psx ports. If they don't give us PSX ports, then the PSP will follow in the footsteps of every other handheld before it(excluding the GP32). The only plus it will have over previous handheld systems is the fact that it can play music and movies(good quality, too) unless we see ports. Let's face it... I can't possibly be the only one out there who wished for ports(REAL ports... GOOD ports... not some crappy redone games with the same names as the originals that weren't even close... and when they are good ports, I'm not about to pay 20 bucks for a game that's 20 years old and only cost about 10 at the time when it was new... screw you, Nintendo, you won't get another penny from me) of my favorite console games to appear on the handheld systems of the time... That's why I love the GP32 so much. It might not be able to play anything newer than SNES(and the SNES emulation isn't the best either... hopefully that will change eventually though), but that's fine with me. I grew up playing NES 10 hours a day. the NES is part of who I am. Even if all it emulated was the NES, I'd still have one. Whether the PSP can be used for emulation or not is irrelavent. However, if it can emulate SNES flawlessly at some point in time, AND it gets some good PSX ports, I'll buy one. But I will never buy another thing from Nintendo... not until they get their act together. Everything they've done in the past 10 years has been a stupid gimmick and/or ripoff.

By the way, Trooper... speaking of the "cool new gadget" excitement that I got on the day I received my GP32... It still hasn't worn off(It's been about 2 months now), and I don't think it ever will. I absolutely LOVE this machine. The GP32 = best 200 bucks I've ever spent. I feel as though my life is now 90% complete. All I need to complete it now is for someone to make a good SNES emulator that runs at full speed with sound without that stupid grey bar on a BLU+(or if someone makes a perfect SNES emulator for PSP), and for Sony to put out ports of all the games I mentioned above(except FF8, that game sucked anyway... but I know there are some out there who loved it, so why not?) on the PSP. If those 2 things happen, then I will buy a PSP, and my life will truly be complete. :D

Since no one else has mentioned this

find the "L" key on your keyboard, next to this there are 3 keys: " ; ", " ' " and "#"

the one to the right of these 3 keys take up 2 whole rows of keys

its is shape a little rectangularly with an abscess at the top, it has the wor "ENTER" on it, and a small arrow

Find it, use it, love it
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Don't bother asking people's opinion on the DS here, pretty much everyone on this board is the kind of geek who doesn't care about what they're playing as long as they can drool at the thought of the processor powering it.
mr twit posted on May 13 2005 at 09:24 PM said:
Don't bother asking people's opinion on the DS here, pretty much everyone on this board is the kind of geek who doesn't care about what they're playing as long as they can drool at the thought of the processor powering it.
Which is why the XBOX survives, even to this day.
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Goity posted on May 13 2005 at 09:34 PM said:
mr twit posted on May 13 2005 at 09:24 PM said:
Don't bother asking people's opinion on the DS here, pretty much everyone on this board is the kind of geek who doesn't care about what they're playing as long as they can drool at the thought of the processor powering it.
Which is why the XBOX survives, even to this day.

Or because it's got some fantastic games?
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Mark posted on May 13 2005 at 10:01 PM said:
Goity posted on May 13 2005 at 09:34 PM said:
mr twit posted on May 13 2005 at 09:24 PM said:
Don't bother asking people's opinion on the DS here, pretty much everyone on this board is the kind of geek who doesn't care about what they're playing as long as they can drool at the thought of the processor powering it.
Which is why the XBOX survives, even to this day.

Or because it's got some fantastic games?
Well, I suppose so if you're obsessed with shooters.
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I bought a DS, owned it for about a month, thought it was less than fantastic, sold it. I just didnt find it very interesting. Too kiddie for me, and the dual screen thing is definitely a gimmick, no matter what anyone says. yes its a more-interesting-than-usual gimmick, with potential, but a gimmick none-the-less. I myself would wait for the PSP - I would have done on hindsight.

Bought a PSP, have had it for a month, think it's bloody great, wouldn't sell it for anything :)
I personally don't like the DS, my friend has one and is always trying to convince me to get one. I think it really is just a gimmick, it just doesn't feel FUN when I play it. So it has a port of mario 64, I can live without that. And some of you may say "you don't own one, don't comment". Ah well, I don't care, I'll comment anyway. I wouldn't encourage anyone to buy it, mainly because I don't think it's that fun.

My friends that do have them are obsessed with beating each others high scores, for example they're trying to beat each other at a where's wally style game, their scores were over 1000, which is more then 1000 games, which is pretty ridiculous. I wish my friends weren't DS fanboys...
Squidge posted on May 13 2005 at 03:14 PM said:
Must say, I've got a DS with Metroid prime and MarioDS. Metroid is horrible to play (I hate using the touchscreen to look around, but there seems to be no other option, as the D pad is just strafe and forwards/backwards). MarioDS works well, but after about 5 minutes or so I get sick of the tiny screen, and using the bottom screen for the map just seems like an excuse.

All in all, I'd never buy another DS game, but I've flashed the BIOS to remove the RSA signature check, so I can at least upload homebrew to it easily via both Wifi and GBA flash carts.

There is an option to not use the touch screen to look, its what i use but i'm not turning my DS on to see. You use the d pad to run and strife and you use the other buttons to turn with the shoulder buttons being jump and shoot.

I hate my DS and wish i never bought it, its a pile of shit and i'm much happier with my PSP and GP32. Why keep the DS then? Good question, i guess i'm still hoping that good games come out. AND DON"T TELL ME TO WAIT TIL CASTLEVANIA? Did you see the screen shots, it looks worse than Castlevania 4 for SNES and this is supposed to be a portable N64. Pile of crap i say.
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