night stand mode


May 31, 2011
Cyberia (Wels Austria)
Hello all, This is my very first post and I don't have my pandora yet. I'm really sorry if this is not the appropriate place for this topic but i was wondering if anyone was thinking or working on making a bed side mode for the Pandora. So again i apologize if the pandora would not be suitable for this application but this is my idea.

I think it would be pretty cool to be able to leave the pandora plugged in next to your bed, have the screen have an adjustable brightness or a timed black screen and run a program that would be a full screen clock with a weather application so that if you put in a location it could give you a forecast or something. I suppose if it has gone that far it would be nice to have an alarm clock feature as well. I think those would be the critical features to have to make it a program worth using.

Im not a programmer so the best i can do is cheer lead but I think this would be a really cool feature.

Thoughts on this? Is that way too hard to do? Is something like that out all ready? Wrong area to post? Go home newbie come back when you have a Pandora? :P