News Posters for GP32 Xtreme


Chief Editor
Jun 13, 2002
Poznan, Poland
If you are >=20 y. old, have everyday acces to internet and you own a GP32 console and you are interested in writing for one of the best Gp32 site (i hope ;) write to me ( with a little introduction of yourself.


GP32 Xtreme Chief Editor
When asking >=20 i mean somebody who is not 'hot' in his judges of others. As a member of Xtreme Team, you have to calm down your comments as you represent the whole site not yourself actually which seem s to be a problem for younger people. If someone thinks that he has no problem with that and is younger - dont hesistate to write :)
Well, Sunday is over and I didn't get an answer ;)
Maybe hando didn't get my eMail, maybe he didn't have the time... or about 1000 people want to help out with the news and he has to answer all these eMails ;)
Sorry guys, after sunday i meant after sunday (eg. monday) :) I have irregular acces to internet, actually i try to be on net every two days, sometimes it happens (like yesterday that i couldn come to my friend (where i use internet) so i didnt answered.) I have got all emails from :) Thanks. I will replay to you today or on wednesday, as i want to prepare all accounts and improve some administration interface stuff :).
Hehe, no problem, take your time. :)
We all know it's a hobby you're doing, and, like most of us, I guess, you also have something else to do :)