News about Pinball Fantasies


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, I'm one of the new newsposters but didn't receive a password yet (or maybe the eMail got lost...)

So, for the moment, I'll post it here:

Interesting News from LogikState!

I just asked LogikState if Pinball Fantasies for the GP32 has been abandonded or is still in development.
I got this answer:

"Pinball Fantasies will make an appearance soon after the GP32 gets an
official European launch..."

This is VERY interesting...
Whether they know something we don't or they don't know something we know now for quite a while.

I asked them about that and will report as soon as I get an eMail.
But at least that means that Pinball Fantasies is still in development, which is good news :)
Okay, I just received more news from LogikState:

They didn't follow the GP32 scene in the last days and didn't know yet the Euro launch has been cancelled.

At the moment I'm finding out whether this will abandon the Pinball Fantasies project (hopefully not) or whether it will be released via joygp.
Okay, I got a final reply from LogikState about Pinball Fantasies:

"I will have to think about it as sales for Pinball Dreams have not been
Do not despair... I imagine that Pinball Fantasies WILL make an
appearance when the time is right for us to do so..."

Okay, Pinball Fantasies WILL appear :)
That's great :)

I'm a bit sad that Pinball Dreams didn't sell so much... and still it's the most downloaded game from joygp.
That means that the other games sell even worse... crap...
I tried to get gamepark to make it on SMC but they just were not interested, they seem to think it is a bad game and unpopular.


Oh my... what's Gampark thinking?
It's the most downloaded game, a LOT of people here like it (and even claim it's the best commercial game) and Gamepark still think it's crap?

No mean to offend Gamepark, but they might need some marketing experts...
The worldwide success (if you can call it that) is also thanks to you, craig, Lik-Sang, Play-Asia and the fans and communities around the system...
I;ve just gotten Pinball Dreams (demo) and OMG it's so much fun. I wish there were other pinballs on GP32..

I would love the other ones ported, even the EPIC pinball games too!!

I'm looking for a place to buy Pinball Dreams right now..

I never saw the big attraction in Pinball Dreams to be honest, or most pinball games for that matter-but this is good news still, knowing just how many people like it.

Is pinball big in Korea?
Thraka posted on Feb 8 2005 at 04:04 AM said:
I;ve just gotten Pinball Dreams (demo) and OMG it's so much fun. I wish there were other pinballs on GP32..

I would love the other ones ported, even the EPIC pinball games too!!

I'm looking for a place to buy Pinball Dreams right now..

Wow, nice random bump :P.
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it'd be a good time for them to release this on SMC, considering they only cost a couple of quid now.
Well, I DO know it's finished.
And it's a sad thing it will probably never be released.
But who knows... maybe it WILL be released sometimes...

However, a patch for Pinball Dreams would be fine, as it isn't playable at all at the BLU+ (it runs too slow and the sound crackles constantly... I couldn't stand it to play it more than 4 minutes...)
Thraka posted on Feb 7 2005 at 11:04 PM said:
I;ve just gotten Pinball Dreams (demo) and OMG it's so much fun. I wish there were other pinballs on GP32..

I would love the other ones ported, even the EPIC pinball games too!!

I'm looking for a place to buy Pinball Dreams right now..


Epic Pinball would be so awesome on GP32..... Actually what got me hooked on video pinball games was when I found the Epic Pinball tables for sale (all separately) at my local $1 Shop (the store where everything in the store only costs $1). I would install them on my computer and get hooked..... Then eventually I ordered a CD containing all of the tables plus the bonus "African Safari" table from Epic.... along with Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and 2.
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