Newbie here, got some questions!


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2003
Ok, i recently discovered the game park and am very excited about it! Recently i have gotten into emulation on my computer especially snes, but also some arcade ames, and the gp loks awsome to me! But i do have a few questions.

1. Is the device easy to use, im mean im in the US and i dont know any korean, i do know that there is an english version, but is the whole thing in english?

2. Is there really a lot of software that is easily accesible and in english?

3. I have seen a few game park sites and have come to the conclusion that the game park doesnt have the biggest game park community (no offens), would i have to worry about not having updates and working software?

4. Do the emulators work well? Do you have many problems ? Are the controlls ok, and do you have recources for roms (and are they normal roms, or configured for the gp?) ***Can you save?***

5. How satisfied are you with your game park?

6. I read in a sticky that the gameboy sp has emulation, does he mean the e-reder thing, or is there really software, anyone know a site that has emulators for it?

7. How long has game park been around? And do i have to worry about it coming to th us a week after i buy it??

8. Most importantly, where is a realiable and SAFE place to buy it that includes all the neccesary equipment and a good price (and in english of course)!!

9. Lastly where do you all live? I doubt i would ever use the multiplayer function, just really the emulation, but i was just courious what country you were in!

I know i asked a ton of questions so, THANKS A TON!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Is the device easy to use, im mean im in the US and i dont know any korean, i do know that there is an english version, but is the whole thing in english?

It is fairly easy to use. If you've used a computer for more than a year, you should have no problems. You need to know how to install drivers and stuff to get it going, but there is a lot of support available in places like this, as well as FAQs like

2. Is there really a lot of software that is easily accesible and in english?

Most of the software is in English, because most of the people developing for the console are either from the UK or US, or have a very good grasp of English. The official software is mostly in Korean, but then the official software is mostly overpriced and not amazingly good :)

Importantly, GP Cinema - the official DivX player - is extremely easy to use and is in English.

3. I have seen a few game park sites and have come to the conclusion that the game park doesnt have the biggest game park community (no offens), would i have to worry about not having updates and working software?

No, there is a very large and growing community. Software updates for various things come out almost daily, and nearly everything is free (cost-free).

4. Do the emulators work well? Do you have many problems ? Are the controlls ok, and do you have recources for roms (and are they normal roms, or configured for the gp?)

The following emulators are near-perfect or perfect: GameBoy, GameBoy Color, Master System, Game Gear, NES, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Spectrum, Atari 800.

SNES is still quite slow, but new versions are coming out quite frequently and it's getting faster.

5. How satisfied are you with your game park?

Hugely satisfied, especially since selling my original GP32 and getting a frontlit GP32.

6. I read in a sticky that the gameboy sp has emulation, does he mean the e-reder thing, or is there really software, anyone know a site that has emulators for it?

You have to buy a flash cart, which is fairly expensive, and the emulation is nowhere near as good as on GP32 as far as I know.

7. How long has game park been around? And do i have to worry about it coming to th us a week after i buy it??

GamePark has been around about two years.

8. Most importantly, where is a realiable and SAFE place to buy it that includes all the neccesary equipment and a good price (and in english of course)!! is absolutely magnificient, and based in the UK. and also sell them, although I've heard mixed views about them. is the official US distributor, but IMO they look a bit shady.

9. Lastly where do you all live? I doubt i would ever use the multiplayer function, just really the emulation, but i was just courious what country you were in!

I live in the UK :)
Well I can just tell you my expeirence with the GP32, I just got it in yesterday and I went straight to Walmart and picked up a 64m SMC and then hooked it up to my pc got out the instruction manual and now I have nes, snes goodness and Fire&Fire is fun too :P Doom works great, it is really easy to set up. Most SNES games I have tried worked great with frame skip three no sound, Chrono Trigger works good on fs 5 with sound. Anyway I am extremely please with this hand held, I never was big on GBA and GB but this is really cool.
1: yes.

2: check the main page. much stuff there.

3: it may not be big, but it is active.

4: FSMS allows saves. most of the emulators run well. theyre normal ROMs.

5: satisfied++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

6: you can buy a flash cart or something for that allows it to play homebrew software.

7: since 2001, and mine came in 3 business days.

8: Lik-Sang, GBAX...

9: USA
The device is really easy to use. It comes with an english manual. There isn't that much korean stuff on it.

There are some games available for the gp32 are in english, but you can expect more during the gp32 european launch.

No, you won't have to worry.

The emulators work well, and the controls are great. I don't have many problems, and the emulators use regular roms. Being able to save depends on the emulator. Most emulators support saving.

Very Satisfied :D

GBAEMU. I reccomend that you get a gp32 for emulation instead of a GBA. The gp32 is a lot more powerful and unlike the gba, it can emulate snes :) .

The gp32 has been around for quite awhile now. You won't have to worry about the us launch, becuas there won't be one. But it is going to have a european launch later this year, but don't expect to find a european GP32 FLU for sale.

Where do you live? I bought mine from play-asia. The big 4: Entware, GBAX, Play-Asia, and lik-sang.

I live in California.
1. If you consider yourself slightly geeky, it'll be a breeze. Using the official gamepark stuff you may encounter a little "engrish", but it's all in english and it's a pretty easy process to get setup.

Once it's setup, it's just a matter of throwing files onto your SMC, so it's really easy.

2. Most of the commercial software is in Korean, but chances are you won't be using much of it anyways. All the interesting stuff is in music and graphics players, emulators and ported games, which are all in english.

3. It may not seem huge, but what you need to realize is that the GP32 has the largest active developer community of any handheld (IMO). This means that there's tons of software being released and updated all the time.

But don't take my word for it, simply watch the main page of this site every day and see how much stuff comes out. :)

4. The emulation scene is constantly evolving. The TG-16 emu GPEngine is practically perfect (except save states don't work at the moment). The NES emu LittleJohn is perfect as far as I'm concerned. I haven't used the Atari ST emu yet, but people seem to like it. SNES still has issues to be worked out (mostly speed, from what I hear). I haven't tried the GB Colour emu yet, so I can't comment.

Things are constantly being improved and updated, so just watch and see what comes out.

5. VERY satisfied. I'm a huge geek, and this thing is the best geek toy ever. It's not for someone who just wants to play games though, it's more for someone who wants to play with cool stuff, see things evolve and develop, and love emulators. ;)

9. Central Canada.
Ok, i recently discovered the game park and am very excited about it! Recently i have gotten into emulation on my computer especially snes, but also some arcade ames, and the gp loks awsome to me! But i do have a few questions.

1. Is the device easy to use, im mean im in the US and i dont know any korean, i do know that there is an english version, but is the whole thing in english?

The official MP3 player beta 3 is in korean but evrything else (firmware, Normal MP3 player, DivX Player, Emulators, enz) is in englisch

2. Is there really a lot of software that is easily accesible and in english?

Just look right is you're on

3. I have seen a few game park sites and have come to the conclusion that the game park doesnt have the biggest game park community (no offens), would i have to worry about not having updates and working software?

It's growing and growing and big already :D

4. Do the emulators work well? Do you have many problems ? Are the controlls ok, and do you have recources for roms (and are they normal roms, or configured for the gp?) ***Can you save?***

Most emulators rune fine others need some work but the're update a lot :D

5. How satisfied are you with your game park?

Haven't got my one yet :(

6. I read in a sticky that the gameboy sp has emulation, does he mean the e-reder thing, or is there really software, anyone know a site that has emulators for it?

The GBA emulation sucks big time :( The only emulator i know is a NES and a Chip 7 emulator

7. How long has game park been around? And do i have to worry about it coming to th us a week after i buy it??

It will probably takes a year of two before it's going to europe and a few years after that is might come to the US

9. Lastly where do you all live? I doubt i would ever use the multiplayer function, just really the emulation, but i was just courious what country you were in!

The netherlands (you know weed ;))
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Dolfhin posted on Aug 23 2003 said:
The official MP3 player beta 3 is in korean but evrything else (firmware, Normal MP3 player, DivX Player, Emulators, enz) is in englisch
My copy of the beta MP3 player is in Engrish... it says things like "WAITING LIST SAVING"
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