Hi everyone,
first of all I am a new user and I hope I will do everything right. Please note I am not from USA, so my english will not be as strong as yours.
Anyway, I bought a Caanoo last week, it works just fine. I started from zero in the emulation world and now I manage to convert rom to make them running in mame4all. It is easier than I thought. But running ESP Ra De, I still find some problems. The game starts, but the screen is upside down. Even if I start it with rotate screen option, the screen is rotated in wrong way. At the very begginning, the game lets me enter in the service menu, where I can modify screen orientation, but then? There is no button to say EXIT. I also took a look at the README file inside the mame4all folders, but I didn't find the solution.
So please, any help will be really appreciated, THX

first of all I am a new user and I hope I will do everything right. Please note I am not from USA, so my english will not be as strong as yours.
Anyway, I bought a Caanoo last week, it works just fine. I started from zero in the emulation world and now I manage to convert rom to make them running in mame4all. It is easier than I thought. But running ESP Ra De, I still find some problems. The game starts, but the screen is upside down. Even if I start it with rotate screen option, the screen is rotated in wrong way. At the very begginning, the game lets me enter in the service menu, where I can modify screen orientation, but then? There is no button to say EXIT. I also took a look at the README file inside the mame4all folders, but I didn't find the solution.
So please, any help will be really appreciated, THX