Emulation Help


Still Fresh
Jul 10, 2011
Sorry I am a caanoo noob but i downloaded the GBA emulator gpsp and whenever I run it it just crashes on the loading screen. I am pretty sure i followed all of the instructions in the documentation. Does any one know whats wrong?

Also i have mame4all but can't get the original donkey kong to run, on load it says that it is missing files but i have tried multiple sources for the rom and always get the same problem

Did you put the bios with the emuls ?

Gpsp needs gba_bios in sd/game/gpsp

Uae4all needs kick.rom in sd/game/uae4all

Kick.rom is kickstart 1.3.adf renamed.

EDIT : read too fast :D
if it helps it says its loading a bunch of files and then says
dkong.2k not found
dkong.2i not found
dkong.5f not found
Hmm... dkong.2k, dkong.2i, dkong.5f are all MAME files related to MAME4ALL. The GBA Emulator requires the GBA Rom put into the Root Directory as GBA.ROM
The GBA Emulator I run is gpsp. Make sure the .ini is correctly pointing to the main program, title screen, and icon. I put the Games into a ROM directory. Also make sure that each line of the .ini is in it's own separate line, not the Single Lined with semi-colons or Comas.
The only issue I have with gpsp is the Automated 700 MHZ speed pre-programed into the Emulator. I have to kick it down to 550 MHZ to get most games to work properly. 700 MHZ is too fast and screws up the sound. Try playing Tron 2.0 at 700 MHZ. Bruce Boxlightner sounds like a Chipmunk and is barely audible. I kick it down to 550 MHZ and it sounds like Bruce. Unfortunately, you can't set the speed down to a Global Setting for all ROMS, or Save the Settings for the Individual Games. There is only the default and you have to change the options during game play, and then each and every time you want to play each game. Really Annoying. There are Glitches with Golden Sun and other games, but it doesn't keep it from being playable. I haven't tried any of the 3 Castlevania games yet.
Hi! I've the same problem with gpsp. Nomatter the option gpsp crashes allways while trying to run gba game. sometimes it crashes in menu. I have gba_bios and I've tried to run Castlevania,driv3r, fifa 2003-2007,nfs, Gta, and some 2d racers.

I'm sure that i done everything correctly, Also is there any way to run .bin file from pcsx4all?
With GBA roms, sometimes if they are in a zip and they won't run, you need to unzip, then rezip them.
(It must be due to the way hey are compressed or something...)
@RetroVortex, of course i had upziped them. I played those roms .gba on my samsung spica ;-).
Firmware 1.6.0
ziping them and uziping them makes no difference
Leonar said:
@RetroVortex, of course i had upziped them. I played those roms .gba on my samsung spica ;-).
Firmware 1.6.0
ziping them and uziping them makes no difference
I had a problem similar to yours. It turns out that it was a incorrect gba_bios.bin. Do a search and try a different one. There is a wiki with the correct file information.
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I've downloaded three bioses :D and non of them worked :D If you could send me pm with link to bios that worked with your console I would be grateful :-)
http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?/topic/58635-gpsp-gba-bios-issues/page__p__955766&#entry955766 from this topic I found the game called thrust... and it worked. it seems that fifa,nfs, and other my gba games does not run at all ;////

I think i can give bounty of 100zł (PLN/PLZ polish currency ~~25Euro) for developer that will give little love to gpsp or any other gba emulator ;-)

Sorry for my english i'm little tipsy :C

It seems that Samsung Spica with gameboid has better GBA support than Caanoo. I really hoped to play those games on caanoo (because of normal controls not stupid touchscreen)
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