I have installed b2x in a folder at root called b2x
I have the rom file quatra.rom and system755.dsk; both files are in the /mnt/sd/b2x/ folder
I used hfvexplorer to create a hard disk file called games.hfv
I used the following lines in the 320x240.prefs file:
extfs /mnt/sd/b2x/
rom ./rom
disk ./games.hfv
when i run b2x.gpe, its flashes and drop back to gmenu2x.
Can someone help how to config / install? Wiki and forum did not provide useful info when searched. I have also already read the-underdog.info for non-pc games FAQ.
Thanks again for your help
I have the rom file quatra.rom and system755.dsk; both files are in the /mnt/sd/b2x/ folder
I used hfvexplorer to create a hard disk file called games.hfv
I used the following lines in the 320x240.prefs file:
extfs /mnt/sd/b2x/
rom ./rom
disk ./games.hfv
when i run b2x.gpe, its flashes and drop back to gmenu2x.
Can someone help how to config / install? Wiki and forum did not provide useful info when searched. I have also already read the-underdog.info for non-pc games FAQ.
Thanks again for your help