just tried Mario Kart...doesn't seem to work at all on mine...freezes at the Nintendo screen in the intro......oh wait, after leaving it for about 45 seconds it finally started playing (weird!) - ok, it's up and running now...with sound...but really REALLY slow (not playable yet unfortunately)timthepig posted on Mar 26 2003 said:Wish I could try it out now -
Has anyone tried Push Over, Dungeon Master, Another World, Mario Kart, Pilotwings?
GBC - only tried Tetris DX so far, and that works fine in colourdaffyduck posted on Mar 26 2003 said:ill be giving it a try been waiting for a good snes emu
looking forward to a megadrive one too
ive been happily playing away on the gpengine and sms though
these are good enough while im waiting.
i will be sticking the msx one on too
havent tried the gbc yet any comments on this one
infact lets have some low down on all the emulators that way peps know the score
of how fast what runs ,where to put stuff,renaming roms and so forth
think it would help alot out although ive managed to do it myself
others may not be so geared up so lets help them out. B)