Yet you want to eliminate a use case that most of the population has in netflix, Hulu, music.
In any case Netflix should work with chrome or Firefox. The resolution might be limited to lower without widevine.
DRM is incompatible with freedom. Computers don't work this way. Either you have control of your computer or someone else has.
The only way to ensure that a computer displays a movie that you cannot copy (the purpose of DRM) is that you don't control the computer.
If you're talking PCs there's a whole operating system in there to make sure DRM works while making you believe you've installed your software
of choice, but your software of choice only works as long as ME and friends want it to. They'll let you install more or less software and to do more
or less things as long as they're not interested in those things. And of course they're not after you personally, they're interested in things that
work the same against you as against all other consumers.
ME, PSP, tivoization and so on have more nasty applicactions, but DRM is the consumer candy with which they'll forcing it everywhere and so
it's the most dangerous in a social engineering sense. Next they'll require a certain OS and middleware to be able to bank online (PSD2 is partway
there), interact with your government or anything they like.
And then there's the cat and mouse game of broken DRM and sploits... online content without DRM (legal or not) modulates how much the DRM lobby
can pull their strings before consumers quit their content, but the DRM lobby knows how to play that.
I don't mind the Pyra playing DRM sometimes due to some sploit that breaks some DRM. I dont' like that, I won't use it on purpose, but I don't find it so
terrible. Its only defect is that it spreads the appreciation of (broken) DRMed content, which can be indirectly bad, in the dependence of society
on dishonest content providers.
But I don't call that DRM working on the Pyra. (that'd be the Pyra working against DRM).
Additionally there is a kodi plugin that I use for Netflix on my raspberry pi that works fine but is limited to 640p that uses software decoding and widevine from a chromebook image.
There's your bait. Have a nice meal. I already know most people here don't think like me.