What Is A .smc File?


Still Fresh
Aug 10, 2004
I just found a Program for the Gp32 on the net that has the suffix .smc

What type of file is this? How do I have to handle it?

Thnx :D
It is not meant to be run on the gp32, but instead on GeePee32. It is most probably warez, so Please don't ask how to extract it or ANYTHING! else about it.

On the other hand it could be a snes rom, but since you said it was meant for the gp32, I doubt it.

EDIT: Is it just me or has there been alot of .smc warez questions lately?
Oh... well, I was not aware that it could be warez. Name is sobm.smc... Some sort of game. To big for a SNES-Rom. I´ll simply delete it... Thnx :unsure:
Huh? I have several .smc files for gp32 games from the net. They are official demos. Just because it's an smc file doesn't mean it's deffinately warez.
I agree with Dozer.

Why is it that you people seem to think anything with .smc is specifically gamepark and specifically copyrighted material?

Ahem, there IS a tool out there that lets you build .smc images. Now what if I had an .smc image full of pictures that one of my friends sent me, and I wanted to know how to upload it into the gamepark? Before you jump on this guy and declare he's a software pirate (and I highly doubt there is a single gamepark user that does not have illegal roms on their smc card) maybe you should ask him where he got it, what it was pertaining to, and find out if it's a rom request or not.

These boards were not put here so everybody could play high and mightly and flame everybody. They were designed for people to civially talk to each other about the gamepark32 system. I would remember your curtousy to other people next time you need help.

Bobele do you remember where you got the .smc file from? I can help you out.
Who makes a .smc to store anything in except if it was meant for GeePee32. Theres no point in this discussion going on, we know it is a game, a warezed one, and there is no way to extract it from the .smc.

Plus there is a differance in using 10 year old + roms and warezing games from a tiny korean company, who we all want to see stay afloat.
Forevereon posted on Aug 12 2004 at 05:54 PM said:
I agree with Dozer.

Why is it that you people seem to think anything with .smc is specifically gamepark and specifically copyrighted material?

Ahem, there IS a tool out there that lets you build .smc images. Now what if I had an .smc image full of pictures that one of my friends sent me, and I wanted to know how to upload it into the gamepark? Before you jump on this guy and declare he's a software pirate (and I highly doubt there is a single gamepark user that does not have illegal roms on their smc card) maybe you should ask him where he got it, what it was pertaining to, and find out if it's a rom request or not.

These boards were not put here so everybody could play high and mightly and flame everybody. They were designed for people to civially talk to each other about the gamepark32 system. I would remember your curtousy to other people next time you need help.

Bobele do you remember where you got the .smc file from? I can help you out.
Have you actually read this thread? There wasn't a single accusation of the guy being a software pirate, instead there was a very polite and informative reply from finty explaining what the file probably was and that it isn't designed to be used on a gp32. If, as you say, these boards were not put here so everybody could play high and mightly, then why are you acting high and mighty and flaming people who don't deserve to be flamed?
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Me again :-)

First: I do not feel offended or called a pirate. Everything´s fine :D

I do not remember exactly where I got it. I surfed alot since I have the GP32, and tried korean pages, too. I cant read too much, I just tend to "touch" every link I see and look what the linked page reads. While I can´t read the korean text, the URL is english in most cases, so I can surf without clicking blindly on everything.

Maybe from on of these sites? I found a lot of software I did never see on a western site, definitely not from the known list of commercial games. Unplayable though, because of the language. (Hentai-Lovers should try korean yahoo, interesting :P )

I did not think about Bug Eyed Monster, but anyways: I´m not interested in warez (try my homepage www.bobele.mynetcologne.de for some older pictures that might proove that I pay for games I want to play) and do not even use roms of older games I do not own.

I simply was curious about this file and meanwhile I deleted it.

Have fun :D
Forevereon posted on Aug 12 2004 at 04:54 PM said:
I agree with Dozer.

Why is it that you people seem to think anything with .smc is specifically gamepark and specifically copyrighted material?

Ahem, there IS a tool out there that lets you build .smc images. Now what if I had an .smc image full of pictures that one of my friends sent me, and I wanted to know how to upload it into the gamepark? Before you jump on this guy and declare he's a software pirate (and I highly doubt there is a single gamepark user that does not have illegal roms on their smc card) maybe you should ask him where he got it, what it was pertaining to, and find out if it's a rom request or not.

These boards were not put here so everybody could play high and mightly and flame everybody. They were designed for people to civially talk to each other about the gamepark32 system. I would remember your curtousy to other people next time you need help.

Bobele do you remember where you got the .smc file from? I can help you out.
even so, that tool doesn't work backwards.

basically you just need to understand that 99.99% of the time, .smc files are warez. sometime they are snes rom files, but people rarely ask about putting those onto their gp32, its pretty self explanatory.

talk about playing high and mighty...
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