New MP3 in next Firmware, what else??.

Well....the new box is darker, and the new mp3 player is darker, so I guess they are trying to appeal to I guess you won't see that opening animation in the new firmware
It would rock to have Moviepark in the new firmware, they then could release a new version that plays mpgs or whatevers to sell as many people would pay for it
if they had moviepark id be pissed off and demand ma money back.... but they wont :P

Im disapointed with that mp3 player, its not much different except its looks.... and i spose you can now navigate the options while a track played quicker... but you still cant play lower than 128 bitrate and there still no equalizer :(

Still, its beta, we shall see :)
They dont support flashing non authorized FW, yes, but if its official of course they wont have a problem.

Like Sony doesnt support me flashing my DVD player to multiregion, but theve got tons of there own updates
Well, I'm not worried about an equalizer or the likes. In fact I'd rather see less complexity, if it means that the clock speed, and hence battery consumption, can be reduced. Perhaps blanking the screen when it's put into "Hold" mode as well, to help with this.

As for the firmware in general - I'd like to see a simple file manager. Just something to let me move, rename and delete files, but built into the official firmware.

But let's get a little more adventurous with our firmware plans: how about built-in drivers for a mouse and keyboard via the USB socket. KB is more of a problem, due to different layouts, but perhaps the driver could look for a file on the smc that will do the mapping. Just think how useful genuine mouse support would be with something like CaSTaway.

In fact OS level support for programmers to write USB drivers would be good (note: I'm not a GP32 developer, so I don't know what's present in the OS at the moment). Imagine if it were possible for developers to write drivers for USB webcams or even ethernet adaptors.

Of course, there might be hardware limitations preventing the USB port being used in this way, and there's the problem of the non-standard socket (but then they could also sell adaptors) - but just think of the possibilities if it could be acheived. :D
All you would need would be a USB hub, a "GP32 mouse, keyboard, and ethernet adapter." Oh, and if somehow wify was possable that would be heaven! Althoe a Zarous is just that... :blink:
It would be nice to have a "blank the screen/kill output option when playing" as i cant see the screen when it is my pocket and i use the GP as a MP3 player :D

Might save on batterys and screen burn..

Personally, I think I'd use the EXT (serial) port at the base - since less fiddling required (no serial mouse/keyboard is going to requre a power supply; USB ones may need powered master - and we've only got unpowered) but then again, if it were an official accessory, it prolly wouldn't matter...

Personally, keyboard wise, I'd like one that was moulded so it plugged into the EXT port and then sat at the base of the GP32, possibly making the final device look something like a Journada.
Add a mouse port to that and you've got the perfect little laptop :)

But back to firmware notes... I'd like the option to integrate the freelauncher better - that is, if you provide it with a registered .gxe/gxc pair, it can flash the .fxe loading code too (so the benefits of using the unofficial firmware become far less). Basically, I'd like the current FW + GPFM :)

Other things might include integration of the Jpeg/bmp viewers, ability to defrag on the GP32 itself (battery life issues?), Text viewer, HTML viewer (and editor?), and integrated .zip file support.

And then we wouldn't HAVE to flash unofficial firmwares, since all the features'd be in the official one :)
Bonks posted on May 15 2003 said:
They dont support flashing non authorized FW, yes, but if its official of course they wont have a problem.

Like Sony doesnt support me flashing my DVD player to multiregion, but theve got tons of there own updates
But then they will also make an offiacial flasher program right? And what would gamepark do if it broke durning flashing? And if gamepark dosn't want FW accessible to non-GP32 owners, then how is it going to be distributed?
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I dunno if this is to do with firmware but I think there should be a reset option for the GP32. Its the most simplest and basic thing to have on any console, I just hate switching the thing on and off I always feel its not doing the GP32 much good if you keep using the main switch.
Personally I still favour using the USB port, because then the work can all be done in firmware and we don't need to wait for the design and production of an official keyboard. An official adaptor would take less time, and would potentially allow for an inline battery compartment to handle the need for a powered socket.

If we're going to expand to our wishes and desires for official hardware, then I would like a CCD and lens that clips onto the body of the GP32, plugging into the ext port, and turning it into a digital camera.

Does anyone know if the limitation in SMC size is a firmware issue, or is it a hardware issue? If it's the former, then allowing larger SMCs seems like an obvious firmware request as well.
Personally, I don't desire a keyboard or a mouse at all. I understand where people who do want one are coming from, but if a game requires THAT much typing, I'll play it on a different system such as my PC. To me, the thought of dangly cords everywhere just isn't worth it, not to mention lugging the extra stuff around.

Just my two cents... I understand the value of not having to use a crappy virtual keyboard/mouse (heck, I even play Airborne Ranger on Frodo, which requires a few keyboard presses), but I still prefer the ultra-portable GP32 as it is!
Well.... pocketPC manufacturers give our ROM updates for their handhelds, but also give a disclaimer saying that they dont take any responsibility of the flashing buggers up your unit... Not usually covered by warrany etc...
Arutha posted on May 15 2003 said:
Personally, I don't desire a keyboard or a mouse at all. I understand where people who do want one are coming from, but if a game requires THAT much typing, I'll play it on a different system such as my PC. To me, the thought of dangly cords everywhere just isn't worth it, not to mention lugging the extra stuff around.
It's not so much the keyboard I'd like, as the option to use a mouse. Not too much to carry around, and some games in CaSTaway just don't play right using the limited directions of a joystick.

The keyboard idea was more along the lines of "well, if we're adding more USB support, then why not". I'd actually be more interested in support for a USB<=>Ethernet adaptor for multiplayer games or other network functionality. A generic USB stack that makes it easier for developers to write drivers for would potentially allow for all this and a lot more.

Not that I think for one moment that this will happen, but we all have to dream...
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I think the SMC thing is hardware but i've heard rumours GamePark were researching making 256 SMC's at 3.3v instead of the higher voltage.