God I'm old.
If you examine the gp32.chm file (windows help file) that comes with the new beta manager package, you'll find a number of very interesting things. There are numerous graphics, so even if you can't read Korean (I can't) you can figure a few things out, and see some nice previews of what's new without trying things on your GP32.
Back to the new Movie Park that's included. First of all, looks like we know why JoyGP stopped selling it - it's a freebie now!
I think that's great news, even tho I already bought the old one, but c'mon, it was $5. No complaints.
Now here's the cool part. I read a post before saying soeone tried the new Movie Park and it wouldn't run any AVI files. Well, take a good look at the illustrations in the help file - you'll notice AVI files being selected for uploading onto the GP32. From what I'm gathering, the new Manager software will automatically convert AVI (DivX) files to the new proprietray format for you.
Now, this might just be a Godsend, depending on how good the software works. But I _think_ this means no more fiddling around with encoding video files just right - it will be automated and much easier for the user.
We'll see when the Manager software is officially released, hopefully in English.
Also - this entire Manager package is a VERY good sign of life for GP32. It seems they're trying very hard to improve the quality of the user experience, which lends some credibility to a European release in the coming year. Afterall, why else spend so much time tweaking the entire system software, BIOS and all? I think it's to make the system more appealing to a wider, more mainstream audience. Hint, hint. Just speculating of course.
Back to the new Movie Park that's included. First of all, looks like we know why JoyGP stopped selling it - it's a freebie now!
Now here's the cool part. I read a post before saying soeone tried the new Movie Park and it wouldn't run any AVI files. Well, take a good look at the illustrations in the help file - you'll notice AVI files being selected for uploading onto the GP32. From what I'm gathering, the new Manager software will automatically convert AVI (DivX) files to the new proprietray format for you.
Now, this might just be a Godsend, depending on how good the software works. But I _think_ this means no more fiddling around with encoding video files just right - it will be automated and much easier for the user.
We'll see when the Manager software is officially released, hopefully in English.
Also - this entire Manager package is a VERY good sign of life for GP32. It seems they're trying very hard to improve the quality of the user experience, which lends some credibility to a European release in the coming year. Afterall, why else spend so much time tweaking the entire system software, BIOS and all? I think it's to make the system more appealing to a wider, more mainstream audience. Hint, hint. Just speculating of course.