New Movie Park - how it works...


God I'm old.
Jun 9, 2003
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If you examine the gp32.chm file (windows help file) that comes with the new beta manager package, you'll find a number of very interesting things. There are numerous graphics, so even if you can't read Korean (I can't) you can figure a few things out, and see some nice previews of what's new without trying things on your GP32.

Back to the new Movie Park that's included. First of all, looks like we know why JoyGP stopped selling it - it's a freebie now! :) I think that's great news, even tho I already bought the old one, but c'mon, it was $5. No complaints.

Now here's the cool part. I read a post before saying soeone tried the new Movie Park and it wouldn't run any AVI files. Well, take a good look at the illustrations in the help file - you'll notice AVI files being selected for uploading onto the GP32. From what I'm gathering, the new Manager software will automatically convert AVI (DivX) files to the new proprietray format for you.

Now, this might just be a Godsend, depending on how good the software works. But I _think_ this means no more fiddling around with encoding video files just right - it will be automated and much easier for the user.

We'll see when the Manager software is officially released, hopefully in English.

Also - this entire Manager package is a VERY good sign of life for GP32. It seems they're trying very hard to improve the quality of the user experience, which lends some credibility to a European release in the coming year. Afterall, why else spend so much time tweaking the entire system software, BIOS and all? I think it's to make the system more appealing to a wider, more mainstream audience. Hint, hint. Just speculating of course. ;)
god I sure as hell hope this thing works out as well as it seems to be. I have not bothered with it and probably won't for a little while but the new pc-link looks really really cool. It seems like they are making a big effort to tie things together and make the gp32 experience the best that it can be. If this new link software as well as new mp3 player and movie park work out as they are supposed to this could mean great thibgs for the gp32. I really have to complaints with the software that it out there now, I bought movie park and have enjoyed it. I have played around with video compression a lot so encoding shows for it has not been a big deal for me. However anything that will make mp3's, movie and file transfers any better is a welcome change. I think its really cool that this software is being developed it will make things seem much more polished.
Prophet posted on Jul 3 2003 said:
Back to the new Movie Park that's included. First of all, looks like we know why JoyGP stopped selling it - it's a freebie now! :) I think that's great news, even tho I already bought the old one, but c'mon, it was $5. No complaints.
Hmm, well, where could I get my hands on it, if it's a freebie?
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Hello all, this is my first post. I recently ordered my GP32 (not here yet :( ) and I was wondereing if anybody knows when the new manager with the free Moviepark or whatever is coming out? I want to play movies from the get go, so should I pay the $ for moviepark now and just upgrade when the new manager package comes out? Is their a way to get the new package now so I don't have to pay the $ for Moviepark? Thanx and looking forward to your replies. Cant wait for my new system :D
You cannot buy MoviePark anymore (check the official site EntWare)

Edit: O MAN, sorry sorry, I thought that said JUNE 15th on the EntWare site (it's really JULY 15th)... well, im an idiot :P
Go read

New PC Link beta software

The new software is quite a bit different to before. It now comes packaged with the mp3 player, moviepark and a new textand image viewer (looks very nice!). The moviepark distributed with this beta seems to be a demo that only plays .GPM files. The new software are installable from the new buttons at the top of the window which change the file manager layout. Please note that the program is in Korean language so dont use unless you are familiar with PC Link in general

Also there are pics of a new bios for the gp32 ;) go check the page out

Regarding purchasing movipark, I heard you can purchase it up to July 14th. I wonder how well this new one works. Maybe I should buy it just in case, hell its only $5.
rumour has it the new one auto converts to a propriety format. So i'm happy to own the old one 'cos I like to chop borders, and encode just right using virtualdub.
i tried and it doesn't seem to work, seems a little bit too beautiful to be true, i think this gpm format is hiding something, maybe we will have to pay something to encode to this format.
yeh it seems nice, I hope this means they getting rid of the dodgy freeloader
I had a glance at the layout of the example .gpm file and it doesn't look like any mpeg4 variant (like divx etc.) - but I could be wrong. Although it is in a proprietry format it must be based on something else out there, presumably free to avoid licensing nightmares and I'm assuming that it must be better than divx (or else they would stick with that). The only thing that springs to mind is something based on Ogg Vorbis, as they are working on an opensource video codec based on VP3 (which I don't know much about). So maybe it might be possible to be able to use your preferred tools to create the required video stream and then somebody could write a utility to attach the proprietry header onto the file - that's assuming that the bundled compression tool won't satisfy everyone. I just don't think these people have sufficient R&D to create a revolutionary video codec somehow.
it dosent matter about the new format as you can edit your file and encode it to divx then when u transfer it over to the gp it takes care of the rest dosent matter if you got the old movie park it still works the same only con is it might take a bit loger uploading if it has 2 encode otherwise its better quality (we think its better quality?) still we have to wait n see
