New Gp32 Owner :)


Still Fresh
Oct 19, 2006
I have just bought myself a BLU GP32, I dont know sod all about these things other than it can run emulators and the fact it can run atari st games (which is the reason I bought it) and the fact I cant afford a GP2X yet :(

Is there anything I have to look out for? how come these units can only handle 128mmc cards and nothing bigger, also the seller has given me his username and password for the gamepark site but I cant get the login part to work...

TIA :)
It's been a while since I had one but I don't think you ever need to run the Gamepark software or visit their website once the machine has been registered and is up and running. (EDIT: assuming you have a separate MMC card reader - if you have to connect your GP32 direct to your PC then you'll need to use their software, I think. I had a card reader...)

Before I gave it to my nephew I re-flashed the firmware on my GP32 with one of the alternatives which are just a lot nicer to use. Check the downloads for the one that's most downloaded and then look for the latest version. :-)

After that there's not much to do except copy stuff to the MMC card. Most of what you download should have readme's.
You don't need anything from Gamepark's site with a BLU, and the download services (where you could purchase commercial games) was taken down long ago. :(

But there's still plenty to play. Go to the site in my signature, and browse the GP32 software section. It'll tell you the best emulators to use and worthwhile homebrew. Also check the Getting Started guide.

Did the person you bought it from say if it was a BLU or BLU+?
I have the first model, the non-blu. i bought it in 2002. i played genesis, nes, sms games perfecty. still a cool little machine apart from the nonblu.
Thanx guys :D

Excellent info, im not sure if its a BLU or a + and tbh I dont mind which one it is as long as I can run:

atari st
zx spectrum

The first thing I did was grab GeePee32, a few bios files and a dev util to make virtual smc cards of 128mb in size. I grabbed castaway and learnt how to get it setup and running (which made me chuft as hell lol)
So then I had a go at running a spectrum emulator called fZX32 but for some reason it makes geepee32 freeze with a white screen. Anybody know if thats because I used a BLU+ bios?
Welcome to the wonderful world of GP32x :D

GeePee32 pauses because, while it's a good emulator, it's not *great*!
It doesn't cover some things that some programs expect.
So they end up waiting around for something that isn't emulated to happen.

The only difference between BLU & BLU+ is the display needs to be clocked slightly differently,
so if you get graphics glitches on the screen try running in the other BLU mode.
If they still don't go away, try fresh batteries :P
I always wanted a GP32 when they first came out, but by the time I got a job (and money), the GP2X was out, which I got on pre-order. Last week I picked up a GP32 FLU off eBay for a nice cheap price, and it was already full of stuff (including Gunstar Heroes!).

I'm sorry to say, but I actually prefer it over the 2X at the moment. A great joystick, a nicer mould, and hardly any boot-up time! Sure, I can keep over 200 MegaDrive games and a shitload of NeoGeo stuff on my 2X, but for pure ease of use, the GP32's great. I can play a few levels of Sonic in between serving customers, no qualms at all. Haven't gotten around to looking at any of the homebrew stuff on it yet, but here's to a happy future for all the latecomers :D gp32_console :D
Right guys I got the gp32 today, its an FLU unit... the seller insisted it was a BLU, even the box says FLU on it lol

Still it did come with all the stuff he said like the funky bag, usb lead, smc card, brand new duracell batterys and all the box etc.

Anyway now I have a small problem and it concerns the battery cover. Are these prone to breaking as mine has cracks around the locking tab (on the battery cover itself not the console)
Can I get spares or am I stuck :(
Liksang I believe used to stock GP32 spare parts, but they don't seem to do so anymore. Your best bet now would be Craigix or EvilDragon, or me, but I would charge you ~$75 for one.

- Alex

PS: gp32_console