New Gamepark Firmware


The Awesome Guru
Dec 28, 2003
Visit site
Gamepark will start this week-end the beta test of its new firmware.

Addtion and function changed is as following.

1. Design and Interface changed.
2. Improve file read speed.
3. Early screen background picture support.
4. When one of game or software is to SMC automatic run.
5. Eight language support ( Korean, English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, portuguese )
6. Transmission speed improve that use USB.

Also new software tests GPManager together.
Function changed newly GPManager is as following.

1. Interface than PC-Link was improved.
2. Transmission speed improve ( with beta firmware can possible until best 2 times )

Seems like Gamepark is developing a new firmware. Neat really, hopefully it will be pretty good :D

Although what would be really good is some info on interactive stuff like cell-phone link or online stuff :D
Squidge posted on Feb 5 2004 at 12:34 AM said:
Maybe I should tell me about my gpDrive before they spend too long trying to optimize pclink :)
Do that when it works under the most popular operatingsystem (win9x)
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Thanks for the update. It's good to know they're still working on it, however much the alternatives might be better. It's like Windows bugfixes - you'll still get more stability with something else, but for the masses stuck with Windows by choice or not, the patch helps.
pip posted on Feb 4 2004 at 11:53 PM said:
Squidge posted on Feb 5 2004 at 12:34 AM said:
Maybe I should tell me about my gpDrive before they spend too long trying to optimize pclink :)
Do that when it works under the most popular operatingsystem (win9x)
Google Zeitgeist October/November 2003:


28%? Fair enough, there's been support worked on for MacOS/Linux but not Win9x (but that's coming) - but surely the 61% Win 5.x is more important?
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yea man they better make the cell phone play and all that shit those basterds promised like some java games or actually new games in general they,ve benn slackin and weve been haveing to do all the work its about time they got off there asses!
and i got connection with a gaming company that i can get to sponsor gamepark and realease some friend owns it and was thinking of signing a contractr with gp.(but the ppl are kinda broke so there gonna help them get onthere feet). :D
yea man they better make the cell phone play and all that shit those basterds promised like some java games or actually new games in general they,ve benn slackin and weve been haveing to do all the work its about time they got off there asses!
and i got connection with a gaming company that i can get to sponsor gamepark and realease some friend owns it and was thinking of signing a contractr with gp.(but the ppl are kinda broke so there gonna help them get onthere feet).
*snigger* I can't tell whether this guy is just being sarcastic, or if he is just retarded.
Tips: Edit your first post, don't double post
Write with proper spelling and grammar.

If you really do have a friend who owns a gaming company, what company is it? :rolleyes:
5. Eight language support ( Korean, English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, portuguese )

wow dutch im so happy :P (but i will keep it english anyways since translated stuff like EA games sux and english is much prettier :P)
Tenno posted on Feb 5 2004 at 03:06 PM said:
5. Eight language support ( Korean, English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, portuguese )

wow dutch im so happy :P (but i will keep it english anyways since translated stuff like EA games sux and english is much prettier :P)
eey ik nog een Nerderlander die een GP32 hebt :lol:
jij bent de 2de nerderlander die ik tegen gekomen heb op de gp32 fan site B)
hopen dat ie ook nog uit komt nerderland zo dat er 1 er bij kan kopen :D

dit is mijn MSN :

kunnen we bij praten over de GP32 :D :D

Sorry for the Dutch :unsure:

A GP32 fan from Holland :lol: ;)
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Third Dutch GP32 fan :D
MSN : (Do not try to send mail to it 'cauz it isn't a mail adres just a MSN adres :D)

I'm looking forward to the new version but at the moment nothing beats YAFL 0.2 :D
OKentaro_9999 posted on Feb 5 2004 at 04:05 AM said:
yea man they better make the cell phone play and all that shit those basterds promised like some java games or actually new games in general they,ve benn slackin and weve been haveing to do all the work its about time they got off there asses!
Well, I ran it through babelfish and it still didn't make any sense.
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Bohica posted on Feb 6 2004 at 03:15 PM said:
OKentaro_9999 posted on Feb 5 2004 at 04:05 AM said:
yea man they better make the cell phone play and all that shit those basterds promised like some java games or actually new games in general they,ve benn slackin and weve been haveing to do all the work its about time they got off there asses!
Well, I ran it through babelfish and it still didn't make any sense.
he bitching about the fact that they should make the cell-phone shit public and shit, the dev'rs been doing all the work
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Theres a public beta version of the new firmware u can download under:
Firmware beta

The file is 1.1 Mb great. it contains the new firmware and a new pc-link application, both in Korean.

I think no one should flash this Firm ware at the moment!!!
You won't see any changes, it looks like euro FW!
it's dangerous
if one guy install this prog on her gp and stop gp because he don't know it's installing new firmware, he can say Bye to this gp32.
hmmm -> is not associated with a passport account. :ph34r:
tried it also on geepee.. and it just looks like the now becoming old europe firmware... dont know if pclink is faster, but since its nothing really new i stay with the aqua firmware :)
I installed the new fw (withouth knowing, i saw a .fxe and i thougth it was one of those executable firms), and after pressed L R R L R R L L to see the version and it says FW Version: 1.6.6 (2003.5.21), i think this is the leaked european firmware but i think that the font in pclink has been changed... not sure...