New game, XScape for the GP32 by StudioX64


Still Fresh
Mar 30, 2003
You can find a zip file containing my new game XScape for the GP32 here:

Thanks to the following people in no particular order:

Craigix, Feeblez, Rico - for help with GP32 palette code.
Rico - for help with GP32 timing code.
Slubman, ThunderZ - for help with GP32 clock speed.
Pekele - for help with maths.h

And everyone else on :) THANK YOU!
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Excellent game ! It have a Commodore 64 style that i love !
>> Commodore 64 style

Yeah, colour scrolls rock! - they are very much a forgotten part of modern day games programming :) I wrote my own C routine for multiplatform C64 font colour scrolls.
I can't try it out at the moment because my SMC has gone screwy, some programs won't load for some reason, and I can't fix it right now because I've thrown up twice already today. It could be bad. So I tried the C64 version instead, and it's very nice...and tough! It's definitely a good 'play it for a few minutes' game at the very least, which is exactly what the gp32 (and the gba, for that matter) lacked, apart from emulated stuff. Well worth putting on my SMC by all means! Both versions would be, I imagine! It might be even an interesting conversation piece when I try to convince friends to get GP32's... (unfortunately for them they are not rolling in as much money as I am at the moment! Buahahaha! I have to enjoy it for the short while longer it lasts!)
This strikes me as kind of a candidate for encrypted scores... and since I know where to find you, I thought I'd suggest it. Just as a thought; it'd be kind of cool to have a big bank of competing scores in the same way that, say, Drugwars does...
really nice game :)

i got totally stuck on level 10 though :o (i think it's 10)....then gave up :lol:

i'll attempt it again tomorrow ;)