GP2X New 3d Gaming Engine


Oct 8, 2005
North Cornwall, UK

What is VortexGE ?

* It is a full software 3D renderer for the X environment intended for creating games under Linux without needing 3D card acceleration.

Features :

* Full software 3D renderer with :
o Fullscreen display capability.
o Flat and gouroud shading with and without texture.
o 2D sprite in 3D scene.
o Camera control for 1st and 3rd person view.
o Simple fog and transparancy.
o Simple object hierarchy.
* Simple 2D image manipulations.
* Simple dialog capability.
* Audio output supporting :
o PCM playback using OSS and dummy (NULL) audio system.
o MIDI playback using libTiMidity and dummy (NULL) audio system.
* Multithreading and simple IPC support.
* Console message displayer.

Major future and near future plans :

* More C++ conformant API.
* Support for hardware MIDI playback.
* Game entity objects and scripting for easier game board management.
Anyone played with this?

I don't know how heavily it relies on floats. I know it says it works under X but it shouldn't be too hard to hack? or is it?
It contains very heavy use of floats. It also uses Lua, a scripting language, which is not going to be efficient on a small handheld device. It even implements its own unicode string class, so you can see where they are aiming this thing. It also uses a temp file for inter-process communications, which will severely limit your NAND life.