I'm thinking of buying a GP32, but I'm not sure how the emulation works. I was just wondering whether you can use any sort of emulator, like SNES9x or NeoRage. Input would be helpful, thanks.
snes is being worked upon at the moment. It's looking like it's progressing nicely. Neogeo on the otherhand...I can't say much about that. I'm not even sure if it's still in development.
Castaway (Atari St Emu) is my favourite at the moment, although people are expecting the next Snes9x emu to be pretty good too. I haven't had my GP32 for long enough to try out everything though...
atm, theres a few that are good. GPengine (PCengine) runs full speed and is very fun. Also GPVGB v 0.11 (Gameboy) works quite well and there is thousands of great Gameboy games to play. Castaway (Atari ST) is also really good.
1. This should really be posted in help...
2. Wherever you post it, it's still not relevant, as the http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=1694 Sticky n00b thing (FAQ) answers your question. "If you want to buy a GP32, read this" it says ...
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