GP32 Neogeo Pocket Color Emulation Status


Apr 10, 2005
Has there been any development other than the NeoGP32 and the one ryleh's working on? I'm curious to know.

Not to diss on ryleh or anything, but seeing that there hasn't been any news on fNGPC (or f-day) for months and no one else is picking it up, I may want to begin a port of NeoPop.

Note that I'm still a rank amateur as far as GP32 Dev goes, and my C++ experience has been fairly limited. This will take time, and lots of it if I do decide to begin one.

Of course, if someone is actively working on an emulator, I'm going to drop this project and find a different - and simpler - machine to learn to emulate. I've never written an emulator for anything more complex than a calculator, so I'm trying to ease into things.

Someone let me know - is it worth starting or is there going to be something coming out that will erase the need for this?
Actually, there are a couple of NGPC-emus, but they're unfinished and very incomplete, so I don't think you would be working for no reason. Take a look in the Emulator section in the GP32x archive...

Oh, it wasn't there... I think the other one was called NeoPopGP, or something... Very unfinished, anyway...
"I only write C++" ..

Do you mean

1) You're just don't like anythign else, which makes you close minded, or
2) You're just stating proficiencies.. like youre' good in C++ but not C; if you're good at C++, and not good at C, your'e actually not good in C++ either ;)

So really, C shoudln't be a problem for you; if you know any C++, you can do C as well. C is more straight forward, and good C++ needs good C.

"I only write C++" ..

Do you mean

1) You're just don't like anythign else, which makes you close minded, or
2) You're just stating proficiencies.. like youre' good in C++ but not C; if you're good at C++, and not good at C, your'e actually not good in C++ either ;)

So really, C shoudln't be a problem for you; if you know any C++, you can do C as well. C is more straight forward, and good C++ needs good C.


I didn't say I only write C++. Look at the post. I said I write C++.

What I mean is that I haven't written C, and that writing an emulator is nothing like anything I've written, in an environment I've never used, for a machine I haven't developed for, in a language I haven't tried yet.

And there's no need to insult my intelligence.
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my 2 cents-

Rlyeh (who's name can be very difficult to spell sometomes lol) is not very active on these boards. If you really would like to know how active he is with his projects, perhaps email or pm him? it's certainly worth a shot.

Rlyeh is not one for announcements, but he sticks by his word; if he said it will come out, I believe him- the question is when. truth be told, if you feel like you would enjoy deving this emu, then go for it! Neo-Geo pocket was my absolute favorite handheld, and I am dying to play it on the gp, as I'm sure many others are

good luck
"I only write C++" ..

Do you mean

1) You're just don't like anythign else, which makes you close minded, or
2) You're just stating proficiencies.. like youre' good in C++ but not C; if you're good at C++, and not good at C, your'e actually not good in C++ either ;)

So really, C shoudln't be a problem for you; if you know any C++, you can do C as well. C is more straight forward, and good C++ needs good C.


I didn't say I only write C++. Look at the post. I said I write C++.

What I mean is that I haven't written C, and that writing an emulator is nothing like anything I've written, in an environment I've never used, for a machine I haven't developed for, in a language I haven't tried yet.

And there's no need to insult my intelligence.

No slight meant, but it is strange.. if you write C++, you _also_ write C; by being proficient in C++, you are proficient in C. C++ is the big brother of C, and so encapsulates it. ie: A C author may not know C++, but a C++ author by definition knows C, right?

It just seems curiosu you would distinguish. Either you're missing something, or you're not counting yourself as much as you should.. give yourself more credit :)

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Maybe he just sucks, and when he says he's proficient, that means he read "Learn C++ in 21 days".
Maybe he just sucks, and when he says he's proficient, that means he read "Learn C++ in 21 days".

Or maybe he doesn't know how not to use "new" and "delete" instead of "malloc" and "free".
skeezix - It's just that I'm not used to the particulars of C over C++ (not that I even know what ALL the differences in syntax are). If I start this project it will be because I want to do it, not because I have to, and I will do what I have to do finish it. I'll figure it out, even if I have to rewrite large portions of the source.

And I know rlyeh will finish his sooner or later, but I don't know if it's going to be days, weeks, or months. I just don't want to compete since my work will likely pale by comparison in the first version.

As for you, rattboi, aren't you banned yet? ^_^

Maybe you don't know how to use 'edit' instead of 'reply'...
the poor guy said he'd give it a shot, and you still take the piss?
it's better than asking and not bothering to try and code it like most noobs on here ;)

oh yeah, and any news on wonderboi?
No slight meant, but it is strange.. if you write C++, you _also_ write C; by being proficient in C++, you are proficient in C. C++ is the big brother of C, and so encapsulates it. ie: A C author may not know C++, but a C++ author by definition knows C, right?
I am learning C++ and, while I know that some of what i'm doing is C, I don't know where the line is drawn so I wouldn't know what would work in C. (I hope that made sense...)
No slight meant, but it is strange.. if you write C++, you _also_ write C; by being proficient in C++, you are proficient in C. C++ is the big brother of C, and so encapsulates it. ie: A C author may not know C++, but a C++ author by definition knows C, right?
I am learning C++ and, while I know that some of what i'm doing is C, I don't know where the line is drawn so I wouldn't know what would work in C. (I hope that made sense...)

It made sense - that's kind of what I meant.
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I got an interest for a tlcs900 ARM core.. assuming things go as planned.
i would not hold out hope for a Neo Geo pocket release by rlyeh (yes, i was also saying the same thing over in the other topic about "when's rlyeh's PCE emu coming out?")

not to diss on the guy as he has released some great emulators. it's just that, well years have passed since we've seen announcements and WIP screens of them posted with no official releases (mame, nes, for a couple examples) That, and it's been an awfully quiet year from him overall, so i would not hold your breath (esp. now as we've got a new machine coming out shortly)

another neo emulator would be cool but the one that we already have seems fairly decent (considering that it is still fairly incomplete, but it's at least nicely playable). i would never try to dissuade someone from attempting a project though, especially if it would be a huge learning experience (and if the community could get a nice product out of it, then all the better!)

good luck!
i would not hold out hope for a Neo Geo pocket release by rlyeh (yes, i was also saying the same thing over in the other topic about "when's rlyeh's PCE emu coming out?")

not to diss on the guy as he has released some great emulators. it's just that, well years have passed since we've seen announcements and WIP screens of them posted with no official releases (mame, nes, for a couple examples) That, and it's been an awfully quiet year from him overall, so i would not hold your breath (esp. now as we've got a new machine coming out shortly)

another neo emulator would be cool but the one that we already have seems fairly decent (considering that it is still fairly incomplete, but it's at least nicely playable). i would never try to dissuade someone from attempting a project though, especially if it would be a huge learning experience (and if the community could get a nice product out of it, then all the better!)

good luck!
bah heretic! hes busy writing something far more complex and greater! have a little faith, have a little faith
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