Need help with WiFi connection.

#1 GameMaster

Feb 10, 2008
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I've been trying to connect my Pandora to the internet, but it keeps popping up "this connection needs a key" I put it in and then it pops back up. I know I've got everything set right on it because I compared it with my computer that's running Xubuntu and it has the same connection software on it. So if anyone could help me out I'd appreciate it.
I've been trying to connect my Pandora to the internet, but it keeps popping up "this connection needs a key" I put it in and then it pops back up. I know I've got everything set right on it because I compared it with my computer that's running Xubuntu and it has the same connection software on it. So if anyone could help me out I'd appreciate it.

Correct encryption selected?

Happened to me once that I accidentally selected wrong encryption.

Also, is your router set to allow new devices?

I remember I once set the router to only allow registered Mac addresses and went crazy when I forgot about that and tried to connect with a new device later ;)
By correct encryption do you mean WEP and the others if so then yes.

As for the allowing new devices I think it's set to, because I've manged to connect a lot of other things to it such as printer, PSP, computers, Wii.
Another thing is do you have a MAC whitelist set up? One time I forgot when adding a new device and was similarly frustrated as to why it wouldn't connect.
the key can be found at the bottom of the router or if you changed it, phone up Virgin or whoever is your broardband company and they will give it too you, Are you sure its not asking for your password key?, you know the one you made when you first switched on your pandora when you got it?

bye 007jaws
By correct encryption do you mean WEP and the others if so then yes.
My memory is shaky on this, but I believe some people have mentioned they've had trouble with WEP. Or was it WPA? WPA2 works, but for some reason whichever one it was (or maybe it was both, I can't remember any more :( ) refused to accept the key sometimes, exactly as you are experiencing now. Try removing the encryption from the router temporarily to ensure you can get a regular connection, then try WPA2-PSK (AES) if your router supports it. You should really be using WPA anyway, assuming I'm remembering correctly and you are using WEP.
Still no luck. One thing I did notice though is that my computer with Xubutu on it has NetworkManager 0.8.1 instead of the Pandoras version is 0.8

I don't know if that makes a difference as to why it connects but my Pandora doesn't or not?

Is there any way someone could help me out with steps on how you have connected yours because right now all I have filled in is the


- My network security

- V4 is set to auto

- V6 is set to ignore

Edit: at Wizardstan I wonder if this problem has something to do with what I mentioned about the Pandora's version of NetworkManager and if it would be possible to have it updated on the hot fix5 if ED reads this maybe he could look into that. If I ended up switching the security now I'd have a ton of things to go around and reset. :(
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