Need Help With Quake For Psp.

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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Just got the demo version onto my PSP, i tried putting on the full version but it wouldnt work and my psp just crashed lol.. no idea why, maybe doesnt support the full version yet?.

anyway, i have the one with the adhoc-infrastructure mode.. i dont understand it though, because when i enable adhoc the green light comes on, but when i enable infrastructure, nothing?.. also i put in a server IP i found from a webpage thats supposed to be up to date and it just wouldnt connect, how can i find out if my psp will connect to a server if it wont? sure maybe the server i was trying to connect to was a dud but how can i find working ones?
if you have a wifi connection, just do a scan, if it connects then your wifi is working properly, so you can probably just guess from there that the IP address you have is either wrong or down altogether.
I downgraded my frimware from 2.0 to 1.5 again, so i dont get the web browser. The only thing i can do is use quake and type in a server ip and port and try to connect, it stops for a few seconds as if its looking and then i get the message could not connect.. or something, connection failed or whatever it says :unsure: im wondering if it is because im using the shareware version i can only connect to certain servers?

Maybe i can host a server on my pc and try to connect, i dunno if that will work because the psp is on the same network on lan though.

anyone have a server ip and port they know of is working? i know its an old game but it would be funny to play it online on the psp
firmware wouldn't matter, you should still be able to scan for an access point, even 1.0 has this feature because Twisted Metal Head On was an infrastructure game. It should be somewhere in the settings, find that and scan. Just go in, make a new connection, then do the scan feature.

Just need to first ask yourself, and these are going to sound dumb, but you have to do it. Do you have a wireless connection?? Do you have a wireless modem that is supported by the PSP? Is it a broadband connection?? Is your wifi switch turned on?? If all of these are yes, and scanning does find your modem, then you know for a fact that you have the wrong information. But again, as for if the version you have can be played online or not, that i don't know, maybe post in a psp forum.
Quake has the infrastructure feature.

Yes i have a router with a wireless antenna, ive played mario kart over it with my DS and ive browsed web pages on my psp.

Guess ill try to find some server list with actual people on, and i forgot about that connection test on the psp i didnt know why i didnt try earlier.. ill give it a go.

EDIT : rofl, i just checked the settings, i didnt even set it up after i flashed to a different firmware.. guess i forgot somehow, tested with the psp and got signal strength 85 upstairs anyway so at least i know its working.. ill go looking for a server list now and see if i can connect to anywhere

Weird.. i got a server ip with 4 players on it from here i put it in, clicked connect and the console came up saying "trying..." then "Connection accepted" yet after that nothing happens.. hmm

i just tried another one which is a bot server, connected except it said some things were missing like map, must be because its a demo version.. i can see the bots text on screen and i can hear some of the explosions and gunshots etc.. stuff like "Roberto eats eddy's pineapple" lol.

Dang, why doesnt the full version work when i put the files on my psp? anyone know?