Need Help With Ogg Format


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
Can someone please tell me how to encode my mp3s to ogg, and if there is a programm that makes this as easy as it can be?
Also I want to know if it really makes smaller files without losing to much quality.
And one last thing, what is the best OGG-Player and where can I download it.

Thanks in advance!
cant the gpamp play ogg files too? gpamp is a winamp port and has a nice interface that u can change. and about the file size shrinking, when i turn my mp3s into ogg format, it actually gets a lot bigger
Eh, check the quality settings for the ogg encoder, if you encode at a high setting, it will allocate more bits, meaning more size. Usually you can just play with it a few times before you figure out a good setting.

GPamp is beautiful, I hope gptremor (the new ogg library) will speed things up a little, and save me some batteries.
Converting from mp3 to ogg isn't a really good idea as you will most likely loose sound quality.. But if you don't really bother (the sound isnt that good with headphones anyways) make sure to use quality 3 or 3.5
Of cause I can't keep myself quiet on this one. :)

On behalf of which Ogg player to try, I'd suggest you'd give SvOrbis a try. There are several people I read of who tried it and stayed. On the homepage there's also an F.A.Q. that covers most topics on transcoding mp3->ogg, suggestions on which Windows player to use, etc.

GPamp only plays ogg files as well, and if it uses the same code base for playing the decoded data as Yogg (on which sources it is based) it won't play mono Oggs 100% correctly (same bug in Yogg and SvOrbis before V0.9c).
