Need Help Identifying Old Arcade Game.


Still Fresh
Jan 7, 2006

Wonder if anyone can help me to identify an old arcade game I used to play in my mis-spent youth. It was in the arcades around the late 80s / early 90s, and my memory's a bit vague but I'll try and describe it as best as I can...

It's a cute horizontal scrolling shoot-em-up by Taito, with pretty cartoon graphics and (I'm pretty sure) bumble-bees for bad guys and other such cutesy nonsense. The game is NOT Parodius, I know that much. I know Parodius very well indeed, and I am talking about something different. The game I'm looking for had more in common with R-Type, gameplay wise, than Pariodius does.

Sorry I'm low on detail, I just hope it rings a bell with someone. Would be nice to get it running on my GP2X! :)