Pandora Neat Pandora Mockup Environment.


Still Fresh
Apr 29, 2007
Milwaukee, WI, USA
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I ran across a neat tool called Xoo a while back and thought I'd set it up for use with Pandora. What it does is run a nested X server at the appropriate resolution and embed it in an image of the target hardware (a Pandora render in this case). Also if you click on the buttons it fowards them to the embedded X server and your mouse events if you move the mouse over the "scrren" of the "device" so you can just run your app and point it at the X server and have a Pandora lookalike environment.

Less words more pictures eh?

(linked for size, full-resolution screenshots)

first setup
I was puzzled a while about the blank border but eventually figured out that normal x apps aren't set up to display right on top of X, so I tried...
opera in gnome
which pointed out just why embedded devices like this need their own type of window manager, look at all that space that is taken up :P
fullscreen opera
but to be fair to opera, it still looks good fullscreened.

If you want to play with it yourself, (Sorry Win/Mac users, Linux only afaik) install Xoo and Xephyr (try xserver-xephyr if just "Xephyr" doesn't work for you), grab and decompress my configs, and run:

xoo -d pandora.xml --xnest-bin-options '-ac -screen 800x480'

in the directory you unzipped to.

Then you can launch X apps targeting the nested X server display (:4 by default) and have them show up within the mockup.

Clicking on the buttons is mapped, with the exception of the three center buttons, the analog sticks, and the gaming buttons (X, Y, A, B and shoulder buttons), don't know what to map them to. Also the Fn+keys won't work without some xmodmap setup, I'll do it later if there is any interest.

xterm with some typing

P.S. The screenshot IS my normal desktop, it's a minimalist, keyboard-oriented window manager called ION3

P.P.S. Forgot to mention, the render I'm using isn't ideal (though I'm thankfull for it, thanks Mistabeen!) Ideally it would look like :pandora1: so you can see the keys more clearly, or perhaps somewhere in between the two so it doesn't take up so much space (it fills my whole screen:P) Another issue is that the resolution is correct, but the size of the screen depicted is most likely incorrect, if I find a way to work around this I'll post about it.

P.P.P.S. When running Xoo, do Ctrl+Shift+q to toggle mouse capture, this makes all mouse and keyboard events go directly to the embedded X server, which is particularly good if you run your native window manager in the embedded X and want to use keyboard shortcuts.
I'll have to go and find my old hard drive so I can install Linux on it again.

(I remember using Ion3 on my Jornada 720. Good times!)
Glanced at your blag and noticed the Debian/arm/QEMU package. You should be able to set up such a thing to target the embedded X server in Xoo (the OpenEmbedded/OpenMoko project has the same sort of thing set up)

Looking into correcting screen size, I'm not sure, but Xephyr might have something to do that...
i downloaded and installed xoo but i get this when launching with pandora.xml

:~/Desktop$ xoo -d pandora.xml
Error: Cant find keysym for ','Giving up.

also i checked pandora.xml and this is indeed there...
<button x='55' y='815' width='90' height='12' key=','/>
cb88 said:
i downloaded and installed xoo but i get this when launching with pandora.xml

:~/Desktop$ xoo -d pandora.xml
Error: Cant find keysym for ','Giving up.

also i checked pandora.xml and this is indeed there...
<button x='55' y='815' width='90' height='12' key=','/>

crap, you got the first upload, change key=',' to key='comma'
and on the next line change key='.' to key='period'

I'm having a problem with my webserver that is making the old, bad config persist. I shuld have it sorted in a few, but in the meantime the above fix should do it.

EDIT: Have it figured, out, grab the configs from here. I'm also updating the original post.
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make warning, 800*480 for 4.3" = pitch very low and DPI very high.
I think some screen shot will be unreadable on real pandora screen
got it working

you can tell what display xoo is on in the device>preferences menu

so to start xoo i do

xoo -d pandora.xml --xnest-bin-options '-ac -screen 800x480' -xd ':1' &
gnome-panel &
nautilus &
metacity &

and that gets most of my destop running since gnome-session refused to load
